Perk ever level trait.

Post » Fri Jul 08, 2011 1:49 am

Instead of my stupid border line rage post about me not buying dlc I decided to revise this and attempt to make what I would like to see in the game more clear, and why. First let me make my situation clear to everyone reading this. My current income does not allow me to buy a P.C. and mod the things I'd like to see in the game into the game and most likely this will be the case until the next fallout comes out. I bought fallout new vegas when it came out and it's the only game I've had to play for the past year on my 360 next to halo reach. I can't just get another job to buy what I want as I am currently paying for housing college food ect. I came into the series with fallout 3, I have recently become slightly more aware of the origins of the fallout games and how they played. Personally I prefer the feel of fallout 3 to the other two at least from how they look as from everything I have seen/ heard about fallout 1/2 they are mostly luck based survival type game with a basic objective leading you toward the end of the game such as finding a water chip or what not. I currently am typing this on a 6 year old mac, obviously I can't game on this. =P

What I am asking is that the return the ability to get a perk every level as you could in fallout 3 through either Lonesome Road or Old World blues. I know this would not be difficult as within the first few weeks of the games release there were a multitude of websites such as fallout new vegas nexus that had a mod/mods that gave you this ability, and they are adding a trait with Old world Blues that will allow you to cap your character off at level 30 to make the game more difficult. What I am asking is not unreasonable and not cheating, I would not be asking for this if they had not removed the mantis leg glitch which allowed me to do this and even though I don't support using glitches or cheating in games to accomplish what you want, i fail to see this as cheating when it was a feature in the prior fallout game. I don't wish to go back to fallout 3 as I have put over 2000 hours into that game not to mention the semi improvements added to New Vegas like weapon modifications and iron sights make fallout 3 unplayable without these even if the gameplay was far more entertaining at the time for it's content as oppose to a well developed complex story in the way New Vegas has.

I hope I made this clear enough for everyone to understand It would be more entertaining for me to have this feature with my jack of all trades type character on the game, the one I could create without this ability would still dominate everything in the game but it would be more entertaining and increase the replay value to have this feature, thats all. Thanks for reading, please share your opinions or comments or what ever.
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Post » Fri Jul 08, 2011 3:14 am

There is no use to continue whining over this. It's not going to happen on New Vegas, and it probably won't happen on the next Fallout game. If you want a perk every level get a PC and mod the game, or play Fallout 3.
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Post » Fri Jul 08, 2011 12:53 pm

I agree. An OPTIONAL trait for a perk per level. Key word being OPTIONAL, meaning you can take it or not. Just like the wild wasteland trait or built to destroy trait. Nobody is going to make you take it nor will you be shunned for not taking it. The option to just go out and buy a pc isn't available for everyone. The fact is they are pricey and most people don't have that kind of expendable funds just laying around. There is no reason to flame the op over his idea or him having the balls to post about it. If you agree, show your support. If not, don't bother posting to rant about it. In the end, nobody is making you do anything.
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Post » Fri Jul 08, 2011 3:49 am

This is a lot better than the last thread, but you still must understand that it is just as unlikely as adding a perk every 3 level trait. Many people want that as well. If both options are added it'd be great, but I'm not holding my breath.
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Post » Fri Jul 08, 2011 10:17 am

I agree. An OPTIONAL trait for a perk per level. Key word being OPTIONAL, meaning you can take it or not. Just like the wild wasteland trait or built to destroy trait. Nobody is going to make you take it nor will you be shunned for not taking it. The option to just go out and buy a pc isn't available for everyone. The fact is they are pricey and most people don't have that kind of expendable funds just laying around. There is no reason to flame the op over his idea or him having the balls to post about it. If you agree, show your support. If not, don't bother posting to rant about it. In the end, nobody is making you do anything.

He's already posted the same thing in another topic that he started. There was no need for him to start another thread on the same topic, when his other thread is still active. He'll probably start another tomorrow talking about the same thing. He got plenty of responses from the community, mostly flaming because of his originally hostile decorum.
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Post » Fri Jul 08, 2011 9:21 am

Every trait has to have a negative associated with it. For a "perk every level" trait they could decrease the skill points per level and/or cap the max level.
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Post » Fri Jul 08, 2011 1:04 pm

hey OP, GO PLAY FO3!
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 9:53 pm

"We don't typically allow threads about other threads or threads about people in other threads"

You may wanna start searching for some bobby pins.
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Post » Fri Jul 08, 2011 6:01 am

Here is an idea sure to be burnt to the ground....
Optional perk rate. You choose. Perk every level, every two, every three, or even none at all for those true hardcoe goers.
I'm sure minds just got blown.
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[ becca ]
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Post » Fri Jul 08, 2011 8:21 am

The 'Too impaitent for a Perk' Trait.

Upside: Perk every level.

Downside: Only half the number of levels

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Post » Fri Jul 08, 2011 5:39 am

Every trait has to have a negative associated with it. For a "perk every level" trait they could decrease the skill points per level and/or cap the max level.

Less skill points per level is a good trade off for a "perk every level" trait and the converse, more skill points per level for a "perk every 3 levels" trait is also a reasonable tradeoff.

One caveat though, people who want "super characters" or the opposite, a "supernerfed challenge" are not going to like that too much. It just goes to show you that there's no pleasing everyone... ;)
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Post » Fri Jul 08, 2011 1:28 pm

Maybe the trait that caps you at thirty allows you to gain a perk every level, highly doubt it though.
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Kim Bradley
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 11:04 pm

They announced level cap 30 trait. Perk every level should be excellent upside.
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Post » Fri Jul 08, 2011 8:57 am

They announced level cap 30 trait. Perk every level should be excellent upside.

...why? That would give you more perks than a player who continues to level 50. :rolleyes:
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