Perk has wrong effect

Post » Wed Oct 22, 2014 11:51 pm

So, it's technically two perks.

(Mod Spell Magnitude, Multiply Value) - The value scales according to your (Actor Value Percentage, Magicka)

(Mod Attack Damage, Multiply Value) - The value scales according to your (Actor Value Percentage, Stamina)

First of all, I have decided I think I will use "Calculate Weapon Damage," instead, but that doesn't account for my problem.

When I load up vanilla, Flames does 8 damage/second.

When I load up with the mod, Flames does 1 damage/second, Iron Swords do 1 damage, Fireball does 8 damage. And fireball doesn't change based on my Magicka Percentage. I even changed Destruction skill from 15 to 100: no change.



Here is how it was implemented:

I made two magic effects that apply the two perks as constant effects. I then made an ability spell which referenced the two magic effects (I tested magnitudes of 0, 1, and 100 with no change).

I then gave this ability spell to all playable races, elders (no children), all their vampire versions, Astrid, falmer, and Draugr mages. (I am aware that the AI will not quite know how to handle this, but I didn't even get to test that out.

The actual scaling is the same for Stamina as it is for Magicka (never got the chance to tweak):















I don't think I left anything out. Can someone help me troubleshoot this one?

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Taylrea Teodor
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