or do we get to choose our first perk at level 2?
or do we get to choose our first perk at level 2?
I've wanted this confirmed too, since there's so much info out now I wonder if we get to pick some "tag perks" to start with just like how we could have tag skills in previous games.
I was wondering this too. I don't think we get a level 1 perk though and I'm pretty sure beginning traits are gone too. That's just guessing though so don't take it as fact.
The traits from New Vegas were good, I will miss Wild Wasteland
I was thinking the game might at some point near the start tag 3 perks to start with, very similar to the way it was done in FO3. I used some leaked info to plan my character and what he will have perk wise at level 15. From there it will depend on what is happening.