50 perk points is nowhere near enough to even roleplay, 50 perks are only enough to focus on 3-4 skills , and there are 18 of them , supposedly 6 for every archtype , you should at least be able to focus on 6 skills not 3 .
Remember - "focusing" on a skill does not mean that you have to take all 16 Perks for it. I bet you won't even
want all of the Perks for most skills. If you want to be a spaz and hyper hyper hyper specialize, I guess you can, but I really don't think that's what's intended or the most fun. Get a smattering of Perks across all the skills you use, and really ramp up two or three skills getting 8-10 Perks in each. 50 will be plenty to go around.
and even if 50 was enough which it could be , I think choosing one perk per level is not very rewarding .... increasing your 2 handed weapon damage 20% after an entire level and nothing else , doesn't feel rewarding ..
You're implying that Perks are the only way your character grows. Remember that you'll be smoothly improving your skills the entire time. Even without Perks you will see yourself getting better and stronger. Perks are the icing - really
good icing, I hope - but your skills are the cake. Eating just the icing gets gross pretty fast, trust me.