How come obsidian doesnt offer a perk or trait that gives dr but at the cost of being able to use any chems or aids that provide dr?.I know its probably kinda stupid but curious on imput
Pure living trait: +15 damage resistance but you cannot use med x, psycho, jet, mentats (or their more powerful variants, turbo and steady ok as is beer etc)
Chems can make you invulnerable. Battle Brew + Med-X + Slasher and you can go melee with deathclaws.
That's 85 DR total. That's the exact same max that the Lone Wanderer could hit, all with just three easy consumables. NOTHING is gonna pierce your damage threshold if you use those three, so you're just gonna take 20% normal damage.
Pure living trait: +15 damage resistance but you cannot use med x, psycho, jet, mentats (or their more powerful variants, turbo and steady ok as is beer etc)
Perk ironman: +10 damage resistance
have i ever mentioned that the power armour brings out the colour in your eyes >.> haha but honestly this perk/trait is brilliant
I think they pretty much left DR out because they lacked the time to get a system that uses both DT and DR balanced, a lot of PA modders have had to tweak the numbers to get it to function well enough without making you invincible, the system is alsi kinda wonky as it does DR then DT sou your drastically reducing the damage inflicted before even seeing if it hit which is odd to me.