Perk Resets Please!

Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:28 am

This is not World of Warcraft.
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Penny Flame
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:45 am

Not that I would argue that it should be in the game, but if it ever was, it shouldn't be just a straight up respec or even respec for any amount of gold. It should be done in a way that makes you work hard for each and every perk you want to change. As to what that would entail, I'm not sure.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:40 pm

Because that's the only game ever that let you move skills. It's not like it's been a [good] evolution in RPG style games over time at all. Nope....not at all. As someone else said, even diablo 2 - the KING of character rerolls allows it.

This isn't 1999, choices are good, players like choices.

But yeah, feel free to carry on worrying about what other people are doing for fun in their own sandboxes ;)
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 2:52 pm

I think it's fine how it is now. You guys should know how you're gonna play the game after a few hours in, so what's the problem?
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brenden casey
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:07 am

option uhm... no. as for me not liking it that is not what I said, I distinctly remember saying "it does not belong in the game"

So you don't agree with it and based on that, you don't think other people should even get the chance to make the decision one way or the other.
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Alex [AK]
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:44 am

No we don't. It's like asking for the ability to choose another starting class at any point in the game (in morrowind and oblivion). Removes all role-playing from the game.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 5:54 pm

Again I'm looking for an explanation on how other people having options that do not and cannot affect you, somehow affects you to the point you're vocally opposed to it.

I can console command until I'm blue in the face, does that bother you? If not, neither should this idea. I'm a PC snob as much as the next, but consoles not having a command console is a bit of a shame for them - they shouldn't be limited so.

We can already enter god mode and kill all enemies in a radius, I rather think moving a perk is small beans by comparison.
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Melung Chan
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 2:26 pm

No we don't. It's like asking for the ability to choose another starting class at any point in the game (in morrowind and oblivion). Removes all role-playing from the game.

Why do you care what I do with my game though? If I want to glitch a game so that I can walk through with 1-hit kills and I enjoy my game time doing that, I should be able to. Games are supposed to be entertainment not a continual grindfest, especially just because I put points into something that I later decided against.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:08 am

If they add this, I will be soo insulted. It's not about mechanics, it's about it having no part in TES. End of! :thumbsdown:

If you want skill resets go play WoW or something.
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Misty lt
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:28 am

If they add this, I will be soo insulted. It's not about mechanics, it's about it having no part in TES. End of! :thumbsdown:

If you want skill resets go play WoW or something.

I can do it now via the console. Enjoy the insults the devs have inflicted upon you. :P

You're right though, in a world of raising the dead, dragons and high magic, being able to learn something new is completely ridiculous and utterly at odds with the world.

Dear god, hope you never run into the likes of Planescape might expode :D
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Kat Ives
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 1:50 pm

Resseting points could be some quest in an random dungeon, that revolves around getting an magic book that will reset your "gifts"
Or get an ton or rare materials to make an magic potion to reset?
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sunny lovett
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:33 pm

I can do it now via the console. Enjoy the insults the devs have inflicted upon you. :P

You're right though, in a world of raising the dead, dragons and high magic, being able to learn something new is completely ridiculous and utterly at odds with the world.

Dear god, hope you never run into Planescape might expode :D

I'm talking about in game. :facepalm:

This isn't about learning something new, its about unlearning something you have trained to do. Like magically forgetting something in favour of something else. No amount of lore backing would make that any less cheap. Its not what TES is about IMO.

And I have enjoyed games with skill resets in them, they work in some games. Not this one though.
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Bethany Short
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 3:30 pm

This proposition is wrong at several level. First:

I can do it now via the console. Enjoy the insults the devs have inflicted upon you. :P
It's inept to compare an in-game way to accomplish something and the console. People always say by example about fast travel, "if you don't want it, don't use it". It would be true for the console by example, but plain stupid for an in-game feature like fast travel (which influenced the way the game is designed beyond the simple fact to be able to fast travel). It's the same for this. Console is outside the game. It's not part of the experience.

The experience while we're at it: a versatile character is not part of it. Like most RPG, there is an part of personalisation. If you can reset skills, you don't increase the possibilities, it's the opposite, you limit them to only one: being able to do everything. To answer to the "you can learn different things argument"
Yes, and you can already do it in skyrim, it has nothing to do with respec. But like in real life, you can't master everything. The "real life" argument is pointless anyway, this is a game design problem. Specialisation improve the game because making choice is fun to most people (it's why bioware allows you to make moral choice, it's why a lot rpg propose different classes to begin with and it's why you can't master everything in skyrim).
If you don't like it, three solutions: create a mod/use the console if you want/can, live with it, or simply find you a game more adapted to your tastes because the problem is not a flaw in skyrim, it's just an incompatibility between your vision of this rpg and the devs one. No one is better, it's just not yours the devs chose in the end (and it's a relief)
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Kayla Oatney
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:30 am

I'm definitely going to put my support behind this: not only is it silly to expect console players to spend several dozen hours re-building a character to get their perks right, it simply adds an option that makes the game better, and removes the pitfall OCD players fall in where they're afraid to spend perk points. If you think it breaks lore or something, then simply don't use it.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:19 am

I think they should add a few sports cars also. If you think it breaks lore don't use them.
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Melanie Steinberg
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 5:29 pm

This isn't about learning something new, its about unlearning something you have trained to do. Like magically forgetting something in favour of something else. No amount of lore backing would make that any less cheap. Its not what TES is about IMO.

One only has to 'forget' due to an artificial cap imposed. Is there a lore explanation for characters suddenly ceasing to learn? I doubt it very much. Hell, you can even keep the skills rising, but an artificial system prevents perking said tree. This (for me anyway) is about allowing players to correct errors, oversights, account for patch changes [might happen] and similar.

My actual preference would be no level cap and able to have all perks over time thus removing any need for refunds or build concerns and that IS supported by the spirit/intent of the game as the skill points can be attained - merely an imposed limit prevents the perk use. Of course some may then complain about stats/gear, you won't please everyone.

I mean it makes no sense that skills can rise but perks cannot. If your character has '100 skill' in smithing, I'm betting they should be able to do some pretty natty things with a forge - except because they're also good at other stuff (and have no perks left), they are precluded from making even steel armour. With the same 'skill' level as a MASTER smith. Now that, that doesn't make sense in the context of the game.

Hell, a character with 100 smithing and no perks is about as much use as one with 10 smithing.
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Adrian Powers
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:14 am

Oh shut up... "Resetting perks will ruin my immersion." Bottom line it hurts no one to put it in. If you don't like it, don't use it. On the other hand, it is very upsetting to have planted 1 or more perks into a tree that are essentially useless now with your current playstyle. If the developers are concerned about it cutting down into replay value, then as someone else suggested make it a ridiculously long quest line consisting of rare items that would take hours to accomplish. Trust me, if the player is that concerned about a few perks being wasted they will go through with it.

My reason for wanting this is simple, It was extremely difficult to achieve the perfect "look" i wanted for my character and around level 12 or so I realized I didn't like my current setup however after making another character (several in fact) I could not get my character to look as good as my original one. Very disheartening.
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Alister Scott
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 5:29 pm

I think they should add a few sports cars also. If you think it breaks lore don't use them.

Oh, please don't argue to the absurd. A sports car in a medieval / roman age setting definitely breaks lore. Re-building a character's skills and memories in a world where mind and matter altering magics exist is more an open question.
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maria Dwyer
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:24 am

And lets say, for a moment anyway, that balance changes come.

Lets say that -100% magika cost of spells is a bug and fixed - do you think it's fair for people who have poured hours into characters around existing mechanics only to find those mechanics artificially altered with no way to adjust?

That is hardly reasonable is it? Turning around and say just remake your character, those 100+ hours...screw it. Too bad.

Of course they may never make a 'balance' patch, but I think they might well do and the odds of mental enchanting/borderline exploits being fixed is much higher. One may say let the gamer beware but until a dev says x,y or z is or is not working as intended it is not unreasonable to afford people a chance to adjust to these types of change.
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Chrissie Pillinger
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:18 am

Here's an idea: Save up your perks, and when you find something you like use a perk. Don't just throw them around.
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Stat Wrecker
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 2:03 pm

Not everyone wants to up sticks and move into skyrim. Some of you take this game way too seriously, like it's REAL or something.

I love skyrim, and I spend many hours there, but I get things wrong with the build, I change my mind about how I want to play. I didn't even draw a bow until after 40 hours of play, and realised how great it is. Now I regret spending perks in heavy armour that could have been used in archery.

If I restarted I would lose a bit of interest, I've put 55 hours into this. I would like to have the chance, just once, to correct those mistakes. Theres nothing wrong with spending time in a fantasy realm, but when it blurs your world so much that you have to condemn others who want something you don't agree with, it's time to check yourself.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 4:03 pm

Why do you care what I do with my game though? If I want to glitch a game so that I can walk through with 1-hit kills and I enjoy my game time doing that, I should be able to. Games are supposed to be entertainment not a continual grindfest, especially just because I put points into something that I later decided against.

You have to note that Skyrim is a RPG game, not a CoD where you change your class mid-battle. If you make perks resetable, it's not a role-playing game anymore. That would be something that made in into a hack n' slash adventure action game, which is not what TES is about. So I'm against the idea of allowing you to change perks later, because it's against what the game is about.
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Leanne Molloy
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 11:37 pm

No. The levelling system is dumbed down enough as it is. Allowing players to reset their perks would just be the final straw.

So how would this be bad for your enjoyment of the game?

It's single-player. If you would never partake of any kind of perk reset, fine. If anyone else would, fine.

I see no connection between the two.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:51 am

Reset perk option? No thanks, it would take away the point of picking it in the first place. Your choices are supposed to affect your character the rest of the game.
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Rich O'Brien
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:13 pm

You have to note that Skyrim is a RPG game, not a CoD where you change your class mid-battle. If you make perks resetable, it's not a role-playing game anymore. That would be something that made in into a hack n' slash adventure action game, which is not what TES is about. So I'm against the idea of allowing you to change perks later, because it's against what the game is about.

Why not? I can take off the robe and put down the staff and equip a sword and shield. That would change my class, wouldn't it? That's semi how I play now, conjure a minion and shoot a fireball, then switch to sword and shield for combat.

But we still go back to the argument that you're against allowing it because you don't believe it's right whereas I am for it because I would like to correct a mistake or two quickly rather than starting over from scratch. Which as Freeman says, would cause me to lose interest in the game altogether.
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