I know this point was made back on the first page, but it kind of illustrates everything that's wrong with the Perk Respec argument.
The system was designed to be more flexible. Not more forgiving (whatever that means). It was not designed so that you could have a character who did everything really well. Referring back to the OP: the reason that you would pick different perks for College quests vs. Thieves Guild quests vs. Companions quests is really simple. You were never intended to join every guild on a single character. That's why you have the option to start a new game.
Right, but the overwhelming argument is that it punishes those who make an honest mistake in choosing a perk that doesn't represent itself fairly.
I don't want a "Full Respec" ability... I just want a way to change perks that
don't work out for my character. Should I start a new character if I've invested three weeks in a character, and choose two perks I think would be useful for my character concept, but realize it doesn't work out? I'm stuck with a
really nasty choice in such a situation:
1.) Continue with a permanently-gimped character
2.) Start over, rendering the past three weeks of my life I've invested into the game completely worthless?
I wish there was a "Floating Respec" option: You can re-assign a perk once per level, but the re-assignments don't carry over between levels. It lets you correct mistakes in character leveling, without allowing you to completely re-design your character.
Here's a concrete example of what I'm talking about:
I currently have a character - a two-handed Berzerker. When I envisioned her and started investing points, I thought it might be cool to go for full two-handed offensive ability. It made sense at the time to put two points into Destruction so I had the option to bust out a super-charged Flamethrower when the task called for it. I was still under the impression that damage scaled with skill level, and that the Dual-casting perk made the spell
much more powerful.
Instead, what I thought was going to be a supercharged flamethrower turned out to be a glorified tickler. My character is
not a dedicated mage, and I've found that destruction's offensive power cannot compete with my Archery and Two-handed offensive capability. I want those two perks back. I'm not completely re-defining my character here: I just want to correct an early mistake.