Perk Resets Please!

Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 9:56 pm

If one would be able to reset perks you'd NEVER have to make a new character either, making replay-value incredibly little.


You can't access most perks unless you invest time raising the skill value. If you're refunded perk points, and you then train new skills to be able to spend them, then that is 0% different than creating a new character. Also, you are not refunded your choice of Health/ Stamina/ Magicka, so if you made a warrior with Stam/ Health focus and then switched to mage-type, they will be stuck with a crappy Magicka pool. There is also a soft level cap at 50, so training new skills at higher levels would be a PITA.

Reseting Perks would not make rerolls unnecessary. It would simply allow people to undo poor choices within a certain specialty.
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Emzy Baby!
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 1:58 pm

It was created to give players choices but when it comes down to it, you're still having to pick things out of necessity. I honestly believed they designed the interface for the perk system first and then slapped the perks into it -- that's how haphazardly I think it was handled.

Not arguing here, but a bunch of the perks that seem like a necessity have perfectly fine alternate solutions. If you list the ones you find most problematic maybe someone will tell you a good way of getting around it.


You can't access most perks unless you invest time raising the skill value. If you're refunded perk points, and you then train new skills to be able to spend them, then that is 0% different than creating a new character. Also, you are not refunded your choice of Health/ Stamina/ Magicka, so if you made a warrior with Stam/ Health focus and then switched to mage-type, they will be stuck with a crappy Magicka pool. There is also a soft level cap at 50, so training new skills at higher levels would be a PITA.

Reseting Perks would not make rerolls unnecessary. It would simply allow people to undo poor choices within a certain specialty.

I almost stopped reading at WRONG. If you're trying to convince us you probably shouldn't go all defensive as though you've been backed into a corner. Personally, I think refunding perk points is completely different to starting a new character. We're obviously just talking differences in opinion here, so it's safer to leave the game as it is rather than potentially break it for 50% of the players. If you want different perks, feel free to use a different character, since you just told us it's the exact same thing anyway.
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Erich Lendermon
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 3:34 pm

imagine you smith and enchant some badass weapons and armor and then you decide you dont need those perks anymore and reset them. now that would be op
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Eileen Collinson
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:05 am

I'm currently sitting with 16 unused perks, because I don't want to spend them and be stuck with them.

You sound to me like the type of person who will never buy a computer or a TV because you're always convinced that you're better off waiting and postponing your decision. "I don't want to buy a TV today and be stuck with it when in a year I'll wish I had waited a year and gotten that TV instead."

It's a game. Play it. If you wind up making a regrettable decision? Oh well, it's a game.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:18 am

Some aspects of the game require a little thought. Unfortunately you have to live with your mistakes if you are on a console.
Kind of like real life.
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Isaiah Burdeau
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:34 am

I dunno. Some of the fun of these games for me comes from making mistakes and living with the consequences. I guess it's been so long since I worried about my character not being perfect that I'm a little short of sympathy.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:24 pm

The whole point of perks is to specialize your character. If you could reset them at will, that would destroy any uniqueness between characters. People would just craft and enchant all the best items and reset those perks into combat skills.

I'm happy that the game actually gives you some choices that have consequences.

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Conor Byrne
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 3:01 pm

No. The levelling system is dumbed down enough as it is. Allowing players to reset their perks would just be the final straw.
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Milagros Osorio
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 4:35 pm

Honestly, I don't want full perk-reset, but I do want the ability to re-spec a "bad" perk every couple of levels or so.
I wouldn't want it either; nor would I use it. :shrug:

(But... Design-wise I think its less affecting if done that way; And might be less exploited somewhat.)
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Andrew Perry
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:29 pm

As a great philosopher once said:

“With great power comes great responsibility.”

Give your character the freedom to find that power, and be responsible for that choice.
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Laura Samson
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:33 am

Not arguing here, but a bunch of the perks that seem like a necessity have perfectly fine alternate solutions. If you list the ones you find most problematic maybe someone will tell you a good way of getting around it

Well I don't have near the experience with melee or archery as I do with the mage skills. Every single mage tree suffers from the line that goes straight to the end that you have to take unless you plan on wearing enchanted gear and with the enchanted gear, you become insanely overpowered. There is no middle ground in the balance (which ideally, I believe is where the sweet spot should be). There are very few fun or interesting perks in the trees. One example in particular: Destruction has a perk that makes your target run away when they're on fire at low health -- who in the hell wants a target to run away when they're low on health? You want them dead and on the ground so you can reanimate them or loot them. You'd use Illusion if you wanted to fear your target. Destruction wants to destroy things.

Alteration is an insanely boring tree. In fact, I think it's all passive buffs to already existing abilities.

The problem is magnified with the new spell system, but that's a different topic.
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Monika Fiolek
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:51 pm

I'm currently sitting with 16 unused perks, because I don't want to spend them and be stuck with them. If you think about how the game works, why wouldn't I want to pick the mage perks while doing the college guild? Why wouldn't I want to pick the thieve perks will doing the thief's guild?

Please, give us a way to reset the perks
. Telling me to "just make a new character" isn't a solution, this is an EXTREMELY long and large game and after 60 hours I'm still no where near finished. I refuse to redo everything I've already done because of a poorly implemented system.

It does not sound to me like you need any perks to play this game.

Anyway, to your argument, this game is not designed for one play through. There is no way that you can accomplish everything in one character anyway, so why be worried about the limitations on any one character? My current character will be nothing like my next character and the Skill and or Perks chosen will not be the same.
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Latisha Fry
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:51 am

You get so many perks, I'm level 48, and I can do melee magic and stealth perfectly. This game is so easy to be a joat. Quit your crying.

The game stopped being enjoyable to me after level 26 when I could one shot everything as a dual wield warrior. I'd rather not play until 48 to feat out every ability that I could possibly want.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 4:21 pm

Only if they make it a PSnetwork/Xbox marketplace charge to reset.

I like creating a character without having the option to reset skill choices. Because if they put in a potion or vendor that would reset them for you....I would be to tempted to do so.

Also I probably wouldn't bother leveling a second or third character.
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Neko Jenny
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 3:05 pm

Why don't you just play and enjoy the game instead of worrying about what to do with your perks? Seriously, 16 unused perks? Come on man...
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:29 am

I'd consider it cheating ~period. I'd be totally against it... but.. I'd have no problem if it was a menu/settings option (perhaps one that gave you a dubious Achievement every time you used it).

Explain why this is cheating. Its a single player game first off and it does nothing to unbalance the game anyway. Why on earth would you want to live with a mess of a character after 20 or 30 hours when (after experience and research) you'd realized what a mess you'd made and how to fix it? Much rather do that than start over from save one and do all those quests again.
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cheryl wright
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 11:04 pm

I think the debate gets stuck between the RP people and the more casual RP/Adventure type gamer. This game excites both types so there are going to be differences of opinion.

IMO, the perks are just fine. Eventually you settle on a play style that works for you and is fun. Even if you use magic, melee and bows you can put perks into all 3 of those and stuff have a very powerful character. Think about it, do you really NEED to get deep into more than 1 magic tree if you do a lot of melee or bows? Or any other tree for that matter? If you're playing a "jack of all trades" type of characters, the perk trees will enhance all of your base abilities. Besides, if you do play that type you likely aren't going to use specialized moves that the perk trees give once you get high up anyways.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:37 am

I think the debate gets stuck between the RP people and the more casual RP/Adventure type gamer. This game excites both types so there are going to be differences of opinion.

IMO, the perks are just fine. Eventually you settle on a play style that works for you and is fun. Even if you use magic, melee and bows you can put perks into all 3 of those and stuff have a very powerful character. Think about it, do you really NEED to get deep into more than 1 magic tree if you do a lot of melee or bows? Or any other tree for that matter? If you're playing a "jack of all trades" type of characters, the perk trees will enhance all of your base abilities. Besides, if you do play that type you likely aren't going to use specialized moves that the perk trees give once you get high up anyways.

Problem is, this isn't the way the game PLAYS.

Take the companions for example, the very first quest for them is to "duel" their leader. If you attempt to use any magic on him, he just laughs and it does no damage.

So if I CHOOSE to go the path of a "mage" and finish up all the college stuff and put all my points into magic, when I get to the companion area I'm completely screwed because it REQUIRES that I play outside of magic.

The game wants you to experience all aspects and systems it has to offer through the different guilds, yet you're forced to be "stuck" with one or two via perks. Not to mention the fact that to craft good items, you need to seriously limit what you can actually spend on combat/game play perks.

This is a single player game, if there are people that are so inclined to "role play" their character...there's a simple solution.....Don't use this feature.

But stop limiting everyone that plays this as a VIDEO GAME for FUN.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:05 pm


You can't access most perks unless you invest time raising the skill value. If you're refunded perk points, and you then train new skills to be able to spend them, then that is 0% different than creating a new character. Also, you are not refunded your choice of Health/ Stamina/ Magicka, so if you made a warrior with Stam/ Health focus and then switched to mage-type, they will be stuck with a crappy Magicka pool. There is also a soft level cap at 50, so training new skills at higher levels would be a PITA.

Reseting Perks would not make rerolls unnecessary. It would simply allow people to undo poor choices within a certain specialty.

So basically if one focuses on Magicka/Stam balance, you have a godlike character right there. And yeah, IMO just deal with it, everyone make bad choices, and learn from their mistakes.
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JUan Martinez
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:00 pm

The whole point of perks is to specialize your character. If you could reset them at will, that would destroy any uniqueness between characters. People would just craft and enchant all the best items and reset those perks into combat skills.

I'm happy that the game actually gives you some choices that have consequences.

This ^^^
If we would be able to reset perks at will, we could be whatever we want whenever we want and that wouldn't make any sense.
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Anna Krzyzanowska
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:43 pm

A 1-time quest per character to reset them would be really nice.

I hope its something they can add via DLC.
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le GraiN
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 11:50 pm

Not arguing here, but a bunch of the perks that seem like a necessity have perfectly fine alternate solutions. If you list the ones you find most problematic maybe someone will tell you a good way of getting around it.

I almost stopped reading at WRONG. If you're trying to convince us you probably shouldn't go all defensive as though you've been backed into a corner. Personally, I think refunding perk points is completely different to starting a new character. We're obviously just talking differences in opinion here, so it's safer to leave the game as it is rather than potentially break it for 50% of the players. If you want different perks, feel free to use a different character, since you just told us it's the exact same thing anyway.

1st - You're assuming I have a position on this arguement. Which I don't. I have no problem starting a new character. In fact, I am a chronic reroller. But for the record, I didn't say rerolling was the exact same thing as a respec of perks. I said, taking your character in whole different direction, was the same a reroll. Retooling perks within one of the 3 masteries is 100% different from moving all of your Perks to a different mastery.

2nd - The reason for the red text is because I am tired of seeing people make sweeping statements based on bad logic. I also have a problem with anyone telling other people how to play in a single player game. If having more options and freedom to undo mistakes "breaks the game" for you, then I suggest you move to Saudi Arabia or Iran, were the lack of options and freedom is staggering.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 9:59 pm

That perk point I allotted to Blocking is eating me alive!

just kidding. the idea of resetting perks has crossed my mind, and I have wondered if it ever might be available at some point in the game, but i don't really care that we don't have that option. i've been spending my points wisely.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:54 pm

I like the fact that planning your build beforehand is a good idea.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 4:43 pm

i'm kind of up in the air for being able to respec the perks.

I like not letting you, so you have to stick with something you thought you would want.

but i can also understand letting you re-choose. it sort of discourages exploration.

so either way i'm fine, but i guess all in all i'm for letting you re-choose

or make it so you can only take one point away for a certain amount of gold or something, not a complete respec, but being able to change one at a time or something would be best imo
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