$400+ on a single game? I'd rather spend $400+ on a PC than $150 for a console. A PC has way too many uses to be compared to consoles to be honest.
And I played Diablo 2 since abit after release had enigmaed hammerdin, there wasn't a "perk reset" for several years(if what you say is true..)
The issue is, I, like a lot of people, already have an XBAWKS because I have a large family: The ability to have four players play one game on one TV is
very useful, and not a PC-replicatable experience. Yeah, I like
Halo. A lot of people do. My PC, on the other hand, is over 8 years old. I can use it for most things, but not serious gaming.
True, Diablo II didn't have a perk-reset for a
long time, but sometime in the last couple of years patched in a much-needed once-a-difficulty-level Skill Reset system.
The whole point of perks is to specialize your character. If you could reset them at will, that would destroy any uniqueness between characters. People would just craft and enchant all the best items and reset those perks into combat skills.
I'm happy that the game actually gives you some choices that have consequences.
I'm not saying we need a way to reset perks at-will: I'm saying we need a limited ability to re-train perks, such as a way to re-assign one perk per level, no rollover. That way, it takes 50 levels to earn then re-spec 25 perk points.
Having a flexible perk-reassignment system also makes the game more fun by allowing you to "test-drive" perks before outright committing to them: If you don't like your perk selection this level, you can undo it next level and try a new perk instead.
I agree. If one would be able to reset perks you'd NEVER have to make a new character either, making replay-value incredibly little.
You seem to treat "Replay Value" like it's a good thing: being forced to outright
ABORT a game you have invested dozens-if-not-hundreds of hours into because of some early mistakes in character development is
NOT a good thing. Especially with a game with such a long Early-Start as
I've invested three straight weeks into my current character. For the most part, she's what I want her to be - except I'm
missing two perks because of what seemed a good idea at the time.
When each playthrough can log hundreds of hours, "replayability" stops becoming a positive trait to a game.
Doesn't it clearly state what each perk does and can you not view the perks before investing? Sure there is a little maths involved but come on..

I prefer planning rather than an out of place brain surgeon but hey. :dance:
Well, what seems to be a good idea at the time doesn't always pan out: Again, I invested two points into Destruction to make myself an overwhelming offensive powerhouse that uses two hands for all endeavors... I want those perks back, because I found a Fire-breathing Dragon Shout, and the Dual-casting wasn't as impressive as the perk made it out to be. I got caught up in the "destruction is underpowered" [censored]storm.
I think you can reset perks by using a console command.
Only if you're on PC.