Perk Resets Please!

Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 2:33 pm

So the Op wants to abuse the Alchemy, Enchanting and Smithing loop into the ground. Then once he has his super gear reset the perks used in those three skill trees into others.
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Rachael Williams
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:12 am

Why do people have such a hard time making decisions and living with them?

You answered that yourself: time. I'd like to be able to continue playing my character after making a few mistakes, especially after putting hundreds of hours into it. Having to create a new one every time I mess up isn't fun at all, defeating the purpose of playing Skyrim to begin with.

I don't think anyone opposes the option. What we oppose is the developers taking the time to develop that option, instead of working on cool DLC that doesn't defeat the entire purpose of the new leveling system.

No, most people here oppose the option. You can see quite a few calling it "game-breaking" or a "cheat".

So the Op wants to abuse the Alchemy, Enchanting and Smithing loop into the ground. Then once he has his super gear reset the perks used in those three skill trees into others.

No, the OP wants to enjoy HIS game.
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Laura Cartwright
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:06 am

I look forward to a respec mod being made available when the CK is released.

I think many people in this thread are frankly overreacting to the idea.
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Chloe Mayo
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 3:13 pm

Console breaks the game, get over it.

Thanks for bragging that you own a PC and can do all that fun modding [censored].
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 2:43 pm

You answered that yourself: time. I'd like to be able to continue playing my character after making a few mistakes, especially after putting hundreds of hours into it. Having to create a new one every time I mess up isn't fun at all, defeating the purpose of playing Skyrim to begin with.

If you've invested hundreds of hours into a character, I'd argue that you couldn't have made any serious mistakes with them.

Of course, if your "mistake" was that you spent hundreds of hours playing as a mage and you decided that you'd like to play a thief, without having to go through all the trouble of developing a new character from scratch, then that's different.

The game was never designed with the intention of one character being able to do everything really well. The perk system was, in fact, designed to prevent that from ever happening.
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Kathryn Medows
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:01 am

Stop being a baby and live with your choices. Play a new character if you didn't like how a perk or two turned out. Bethesda will never add this feature, your wasting bandwidth.
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Ella Loapaga
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 5:34 pm

Thanks for bragging that you own a PC and can do all that fun modding [censored].

I own a PC and I own Skyrim for the PC.. but I haven't yet installed it. I prefer it on the Xbox 360 for numerous reasons, and likely won't even take the plastic off the case until the Creation Kit is released. Also, my PC is garbage and refuses to run Starcraft 2 on medium settings or The Witcher 2 at all.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:32 am

I own a PC and I own Skyrim for the PC.. but I haven't yet installed it. I prefer it on the Xbox 360 for numerous reasons, and likely won't even take the plastic off the case until the Creation Kit is released. Also, my PC is garbage and refuses to run Starcraft 2 on medium settings or The Witcher 2 at all.

My damn laptop can't run Java correctly. Damn Ubuntu.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:07 am

If you've invested hundreds of hours into a character, I'd argue that you couldn't have made any serious mistakes with them.

Of course, if your "mistake" was that you spent hundreds of hours playing as a mage and you decided that you'd like to play a thief, without having to go through all the trouble of developing a new character from scratch, then that's different.

The game was never designed with the intention of one character being able to do everything really well. The perk system was, in fact, designed to prevent that from ever happening.

I could max out my Conjuration skill tree before realizing I prefer Destruction, or Light Armor instead of Heavy Armor. Those shouldn't require me to make an entirely new character and throw away hundreds of hours.

It wasn't designed with that intention. I can join any guild I'd like, and I can become the leader of any guild I'd like. I can learn every spell and max every skill. I can use every weapon and wear any type of armor I'd like. All the perk system does is exacerbate OCD tendencies and try to force people into either playing gimped characters in a game that's withholding fun features from them or creating new characters and pushing through many more hours repetitive gameplay (there is a lot of random stuff going on, but Skyrim is still Skyrim).
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Roberto Gaeta
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 2:14 pm

There should be no resetting of perks. Choose wisely the first time around.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 4:54 pm

It should be an option. If you don't want to use it, you wouldn't have to.

What about the people who start with the intention of using light armor and a bow, but then decide to go heavy armor and a sword? Or mages who spec conjuration, then decide to pick up a mace later on? The game should allow for the option, especially when you can potentially invest so much time into one character.
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Stephy Beck
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 9:18 pm

The whole point of perks is to specialize your character. If you could reset them at will, that would destroy any uniqueness between characters. People would just craft and enchant all the best items and reset those perks into combat skills.

I'm happy that the game actually gives you some choices that have consequences.

Pretty much this sums up everything why there should never be a perk reset, on top of the fact that resetting perks is just dumb anyways.
I play PC but I have never reset my perks.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:12 pm

I wish we could re-spec ... so much :sadvaultboy:
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 8:59 pm

Pretty much this sums up everything why there should never be a perk reset, on top of the fact that resetting perks is just dumb anyways.
I play PC but I have never reset my perks.

How does what I do in my single player game affect the way that you play your single player game?
You already have the option and choose not to use it. Those of us on the XBox/PS3 would also like to have that option.

Also, I'd like to have an option to change my facial hair and hair style too.
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tiffany Royal
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:55 am

It could cost like , alot of gold to do it to balance it out as well so people don't just perk a craft to 100 , make what they want and then re-spec
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:05 pm

...Why do people have such a hard time making decisions and living with them?

I wish I knew.


Here's a counter-question: why do you think that roles should be so readily interchangeable?

To me, a character's role is a fundamental part of said character, and as such is the primary determinant of how that character grows and develops. If that role is readily mutable then that character has no substance, which to me makes the whole idea of a role rather pointless.

My own character will be shifting her developmental emphasis a couple of times, however she will still have the skills she has already learned and/or mastered; her role was designed to allow such shifts, so it will not change as a result. As such, I am not objecting to the ability to change one's development as one goes, but rather to the ability to instantaneously do so wholesale, which is essentially what a rebuild ability would allow.

I doubt I would ever do a total conversion such as the Mage-to-Fighter example you gave, as such things run counter to my vision of what a role is, however I see nothing wrong with someone else wanting to do so.
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Kat Ives
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 11:20 pm

It doesn't seem like most people have a really good reason not to allow a perk reset. It's very easy for people to put perks into something that turns out to not be all that helpful, and it sounds like people are more interested in trying to undo such mistakes than to swap perks around to minimax their enchantment, etc. As far as it goes, I wouldn't say "Bethesda will never add this" or that forcing people to live with their mistakes in a game are persuasive arguments, but the knee-jerk reactions to the idea do seem a bit excessive.

I also think it is unreasonable to expect people to plan their characters out to the nth degree before even starting to play - that sort of design eventually ends up punishing more players than it helps.

Does this game need unlimited full resets? I don't think so. Would it be helpful to be able to free up points when you find you're not getting much out of them? Yes. Would that break the game? Highly unlikely.
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Erich Lendermon
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:09 pm

How does what I do in my single player game affect the way that you play your single player game?
You already have the option and choose not to use it. Those of us on the XBox/PS3 would also like to have that option.

Also, I'd like to have an option to change my facial hair and hair style too.

I couldn't give a rats ass what you do in your single player game, I'm just saying it doesn't belong in this game.
If you want a reason why its because the perks signify your characters learning skills, re doing that is in essence your character all of a sudden having amnesia and starting over >_> (like I said before doesn't belong)
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james kite
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 8:29 pm

Also, the argument that being able to reset perks would eliminate replayability is not really all that logical or convincing. Since you not only have your perks, but also the skills you've been using leveled up, you won't be able to just switch entirely from (for example) pure mage to pure fighter because your fighting ability will be limited by your lack of practice of those particular skills. Not that you're prevented from increasing them, but that they're less likely to be very high.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:01 am

Yes.. let's remove the last shreds of consequence in the game.
We should also change it so that when you die, you just kneel for a few seconds, and then get back into the fight. Actually dying and having to reload an older save is such an inconvenience!
Let's also make an UNDO button for everything, so we don't have to think about the choices we make.
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Marine Arrègle
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 11:14 pm

So many variations on "it breaks the game, it kills replay value."

Please explain to me, with precise detail, exactly how someone else playing their copy of a single player experience affects you in any way whatsoever.

If you've not got the willpower to not use features others are asking for, I'm afraid that's not a valid reason for not having it.

Besides all that, so much misinformation is spread about this:

Oh you'll just make uber gear with all the smithing/alc/enchanting and them swap all perks to a new tree! Good luck with that with no skills there. Good luck killing anything with newbie level combat skills and being about level 30.

You can spread stats and be a god! Wiffle. If you spread stats at any given point your character will be a pale shadow of what a puritan would have been.

You won't even have the right kit to hand.

Your race choice probably doesnt line up

Other things you need to consider are:
Game length: Not everyone has the luxury of dumping a 30-40 hour stretch into a new character.
People new to the series: Not everyone has played the series before and may make painful errors in perk selection
Lack of mechanic information: No formulas available for those that like to get right under the detail.

But again, my biggest issue with this is: Why are so many people hell bent on enforcing their way of playing on other people, in other peoples single player sandbox? Choices are a good thing.

And for what it is worth, I started a new character last night, a caster focused one. I use the PC game, I could as easily have console nuked my other character but I didn't. Because I didn't want to and even if the respec option had been in the game 'officially' I still would not have done it.

I can't believe the it will kill replay value either, the entire way the quest system is designed, no two playthroughs are liable to be the same. Already my second character is off on a complete different path to my first.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:03 am

I couldn't give a rats ass what you do in your single player game, I'm just saying it doesn't belong in this game.
If you want a reason why its because the perks signify your characters learning skills, re doing that is in essence your character all of a sudden having amnesia and starting over >_> (like I said before doesn't belong)

So your argument for this not belonging in the game is that you don't like it so it shouldn't be allowed? People shouldn't even have the option of whether or not to do it?
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:37 am

To me using the console is cheating and I would never do it. That's a personal opinion though. Even if I lost an item due to a glitch I wouldn't use the console to get it back I'd either ignore it or if it's game breaking start again. I have nothing against others doing it though. It's their choice if they want to use it or not.
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Kevin S
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 5:54 pm

I made a proper [censored] up of my build and after 55 hours I don't want to restart. I wasted a good 10 perks before realising I wanted to change my style of play.

What would be great is a respec token, can be used once per character, or can be dropped or sold so the role players aren't upset either, this way every one is a winner.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:34 am

So your argument for this not belonging in the game is that you don't like it so it shouldn't be allowed? People shouldn't even have the option of whether or not to do it?

option uhm... no. as for me not liking it that is not what I said, I distinctly remember saying "it does not belong in the game"
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