...Why do people have such a hard time making decisions and living with them?
I wish I knew.
Here's a counter-question: why do
you think that roles should be so readily interchangeable?
To me, a character's role is a
fundamental part of said character, and as such is the primary determinant of how that character grows and develops. If that role is readily mutable then that character has no substance, which to me makes the whole idea of a role rather pointless.
My own character will be shifting her developmental emphasis a couple of times, however she will still have the skills she has already learned and/or mastered; her role was designed to allow such shifts, so it will not change as a result. As such, I am not objecting to the ability to change one's development as one goes, but rather to the ability to instantaneously do so wholesale, which is essentially what a rebuild ability would allow.
I doubt I would ever do a total conversion such as the Mage-to-Fighter example you gave, as such things run counter to my vision of what a role is, however I see nothing wrong with someone else wanting to do so.