That was an addition to TES IV and it was admittedly interesting, but it couldn't have worked in any game beforehand because of the difference in combat mechanics. So it was already a new addition and not necessarily well necessary.
Sure it was new but it could have worked fine in morrowind and the earlier games. Instead of a player/character hybrid game if the result was still totally character based like morrowind, power attack might be -3 to hit+6 damage. In a chose your perk system it could be
Level 25 Power attack -3 to hit + 6 to damage
Disarm -4/-8 to hit disarm one handed/two handed weapon
Sweep Attempt to hit two targets in a 120 degree arc in front of you -5 to hit on both attacks.
All numbers just random examples not meant to be accurate.
Why is adding some versatility to the combat skills such an issue.