1h Perk Tree and Daggers Question

Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:42 am

So we know that armsman, critical charge and savage fury work for apply to daggers while bladesman does not. But now I've seen some things where people are implying that dual flurry doesn't apply to daggers? What the hell!? Can anybody confirm if this is true? I love Bethesda but I wish there was some more clarity on some of these things. Makes me wonder if the dual wield power attack perk above dual flurry (forget the name, requires 70 1h skill I believe) works with daggers either.
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ashleigh bryden
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:04 am

So we know that armsman, critical charge and savage fury work for apply to daggers while bladesman does not. But now I've seen some things where people are implying that dual flurry doesn't apply to daggers? What the hell!? Can anybody confirm if this is true? I love Bethesda but I wish there was some more clarity on some of these things. Makes me wonder if the dual wield power attack perk above dual flurry (forget the name, requires 70 1h skill I believe) works with daggers either.

Bump...nobody knows!?
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:11 pm

That would svck if it didn't. But i dont know... bumping for an answer.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:41 am

I don't know if it's a placebo effect, but I THINK so. Taking down frost trolls with ebony daggers dual power attack. Smithed though.

Reread your post. Dual flurry for the speed of daggers, they seem less slow to me. With both points invested it is supposed to be 35% faster.
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James Wilson
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:49 pm

I don't know if it's a placebo effect, but I THINK so. Taking down frost trolls with ebony daggers dual power attack. Smithed though.

Reread your post. Dual flurry for the speed of daggers, they seem less slow to me. With both points invested it is supposed to be 35% faster.

I guess because their attack speed is already so fast, maybe the 35% doesn't increase their attack speed quite as much as swords. I'm just worried because all of the sudden I've seen people saying they don't think dual flurry effects daggers whihc would totally svck.

Anybody else have confirmation on this at all?
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:11 pm

Keep in mind that Daggers are pretty damned fast as it is. Dual fury is based on a percentage of weapon speed (20% faster, etc). With a weapon that already swings really fast, and 20% increase in speed will not apper as dramatic as a 20% increase in speed with a slow weapon.

For example... lets say a dagger has an arbitrary swing speed of . . . 3, and lets assume a mace has a swing speed of 8. DISCLAIMER: these values are made-up for use as an example.

20% of the dagger's swing speed would be a reduction of .6... giving you a swing speed of 2.4.
20% of a mace's swing speed would be a reduction of 1.6. . . giving you a swing speed of 6.4; a significantly more noticeable change.

So I suspect it does work, you just don't really notice it because daggers are already fast.
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