Decided to replay F3 with all the expansion packs. I am now on level 18 i believe (XP = 23894 / 26550). But when i reach a new level i dont get any new perks. They keep being grey for some levels now. I didnt notice it before until i saw that with my level i should have been able to get new perks. Whats wrong here? I really cant go back to my savegames, would mean i lost 20+ hours gameplay. installed the patch to, i believe 1.7.
dont know if this helps, stats;
Strength 10 (from beginning, after goat)
perception 5
endurance 5
charisma 3 (-)
intel 6
agility 3 (-)
luck 6
anyway to get up above things like agility or charisma? how are they down any way? they used to be i believe 5?
My perks;
adumantium skeleton
ant might
child at heart
fortune finder
gun nut
here and now
intense training
junior survivor
mys stranger
power armor training
rad regeneration
strong back
swift learner (2)
no cheats or mods used
Really any help would be appreciated. Would HATE to replay the last 20 hours because i invested lots of time scrounging. got 15000 caps by trading and doing lots of trips into the wasteland and back to megaton (my residence), not playing all the missions at once. I want to get as much replay out of F3 as i can
thanks u guys,
*edit* is there a way to carry more than 300?