Lore and design has to be expressed someway yeah? otherwise its just that, Lore, just like its Lore that Woodelves can turn into voracious beasts, Redguard often are exceptionally proficient with weapons and Bretons are predisposed to magicl energies.
ATTRIBUTES portray this, PERKS do not especially when they aren't even availible right from the get go, you have to unlock them.
Actually, transformation, weapon proficiency, and magic all sound more like skills, racial powers, and potentially racial perks than they do attributes. Attributes are physical or mental characteristics, not predispositions.
and do people even know the definition of perks? you know The Perks are incentives that help increase, motivate and reward the player for working hard at something, How is this fesible at portraying core aspects of the player? THEY are supplementary NOT Core factors of the game, they shouldnt be.
Right. Skills are the core factor. They always have been. Attributes have always been supplementary in my opinion. Unless I try to min/max, I always focused on improving myself through skills, and getting to pick attributes at level up was icing on the cake.
Lawl you guys are so fixed on 100+ and 280 perks its disheartening.
280 perks. 18 skills
Each skill gets an average of 15 perks provided they are evenly spread.
Yep, them's the numbers.
What part of this, addresses Attributes, which are the defining aspects for each race?
I always thought it was the racial bonuses which were the defining aspects of the races. Seeing as every race could max out every attribute and skill, only some would take slightly less time to do so with certain skills. It was the racial bonuses (and birthsigns, I'll miss those) which gave permanent bonuses to the character and could not always be easily matched by other races.
Perks should NOT and from the looks of it DO NOT replace attributes, they should supplement attributes.
Attributes are your characters base, extensions and grounds for getting stronger and better... you can't do that with perks...
Sure you can. If you pick a perk which increases your damage, then your damage is increased. Same as Strength. If you pick a perk which increases maximum encumbrance, you can carry more. Same as Strength. You still have skills as a base, and you still have three attributes as a base.
and the "Grind" isn't gone, your still grinding to unlock that +10 to weapon damage perk.
But you no longer have to min/max to make sure you get it. Just make sure you get the appropriate skill level before level 50. Which shouldn't be too hard if the theoretical maximum level is only 70 and that's with all skills maxed.