Attributes, a massive amount of skills, a massive amount of spell effects. Spellmaking. Apparel slots and customisation, birthsigns, classes.
Ability to wear clothing under armour, a free and non stunted or artificially hardcapped enchanting and alchemy.
Lots and lots of weapons and armour.
Open world. (one run and jump speed means insurmountable objects and I suspect invisible barriers.)
All these are things lost from Morrowind - Skyrim and this is just from the top of my head, Im sure there is more.
I beg to differ;
First let's look at the things we have indeed lost:
Classes: nothing more than a label to group your major skills. So we lost a label, right. Is that a big thing? It diminishes your ability to roleplay a knight a mage or whatever so much?
Birthsigns: boosts that were either useless (the tower) or operpowered (the atronach). They were not even unique, since in Oblivion you could find stones that blessed you with them. Skyrim will have similar stones by the way.
Apparel slots and customization: yes, now you won't be able to equip an ebony gauntlet in one hand and an elven gauntlet in the other. Not sure why you wanted to do that but, anyway, you know that we'll have the smithing skill to customize weapons and armor so, there is a loss but also a gain.
Massive amount of spell effects: look, if there is something the majority of this forum agrees, is that magic in Skyrim has blown us away. And I'm not talking about spells being prettier and flashier (which is also true) but the whole "I can cast any spell in different ways" thing. This is, in my opinion, true versatility so forgive me if I take quality over quantity.
Huge amount of skills: so yes, we have lost things like athletics which did...what exactly? oh yes, it increased your stamina recovery rate when running. We also lost Mysticism...but wait, its spells are now merged in the other magic schools. Again man: you seem to be so concerned about labels and quantity.
Lots of weapons and armor: we have been told that there will be more weapons and armor than in Oblivion. If you mean that we have lost things like crossbows or medium armor, then yes, here I agree with you. It's a lost, and it's a pity we don't have those things back.
Now let's look at things we don't have enough info about...but you claim we already lost.
Spellmaking: don't know what will happen with it yet.
stunted or artificially hardcapped enchanting and alchemy: we don't even know how those skills will work in Skyrim and you already claim that they are "stunted" or "artificially hardcapped", are you from the future or what?
Open World: this was the best one. So now Skyrim will stop being an Open World? Todd himself said when commenting on the gameplay videos that we could go wherever we wanted. 'See the top of that mountain?' -he said. 'You can go there if you want'.