Little late to the party, but I feel the same way as they do mostly, and I'd say it's less about "demonizing people for making money on Youtube" and more being displeased with the practice of clickbait. In this case, it's speculation (usually not presented as such) and empty "news articles" or videos that literally have no new information, nothing new to present, and exist soley to parasitically feed off of the excitement surrounding a game (or movie, or book, or any other thing) to try and up their own adstream revenue. Hell, we even have "reaction videos" now, because who doesn't love watching someone else be excited about what they're seeing on their computer screen? These literally tell us nothing except "I'm excited about this product. Therefore you should be excited about this product!" Game journalism already has an overabundance of meaningless articles as it is, as the slow drip-feed of information in the digital age is a convenient way for a publisher to market their game without actually spending money on marketing. Pete Hines sends out a single tweet, and a hundred bloggers and youtubers start posting about it, inundating the web with posts that at best tell us something all of us already knew, or throw out theories in the hope that their claims will drive up hits and subscriptions, banking that either they're right and people will flock to them even further, or that everyone will forget by the time the game comes out and it's revealed that the person had no idea what they were talking about.
Even on the forums this can be annoying, though not as bad considering its localized and nobody as fas as I can tell is seeking to financially profit from it. I remember I started completely disregarding gkk7z when he posted his "completed perk chart" as if it was confirmed, which was especially ridiculous considering it's bound to have new perks we haven't seen before, and as such his statements that he had identified them and their effects just came across as utter nonsense.
As for people like TotalBiscuit and Yahtzee, I'm not sure why they'd have been brought into this (not by you, by Kiralyn2000). For one thing, I've never seen these kind of clickbait videos or articles from them. Everything seems to be reviews and opinion pieces, not speculation or regurgitation of what we already know. That's partially because they've already established their brands, and it's also because they actually have connections in the game development community, which helps get them actual news to report rather than quoting a tweet we all saw (at least people like Total Biscuit and Jim Sterling do this for their videos. I've never seen Yahtzee write/make anything that would require it, since he doesn't seem to post news stories).
Making money from reviews, opinion pieces, etc. all that is fine to me. People can use Youtube for actual news stories if they want to as well, but they need to be actual news stories. Speculation articles/videos that exist to fill the gap in the news cycle, generate hits and money for somebody by feeding off my interest in a subject while giving me absolutely nothing of value in return is not something that I feel particularly positive towards.
Edit: Also, just in case you hadn't heard, it seems that TotalBiscuit's cancer is in remission, so he's likely to fully recover.