What do you get from them as you go through there quest line?
What do you get from them as you go through there quest line?
The same if you join the Stormcloaks plus a set of heavy armor, which is why I find this questline unappealing.
You maintain the Empire and ensure the Empire maintains it's strong arm for the inevitable second Great War.
Money for completing the "Reuniting Skyrim" subquests as well as enchanted weapons and the occasional Banded Iron Shield for some reason along with a sword with a guaranteed Drain Health enchantment at the end.
Pretty sure you get the same from the Stormcloaks.
You get to talk to Rikke instead of ol' Galmar.
Indeed. To make a true difference and ensure Skyrim's freedom and cultural prosperity. There is no better choice.
Free Health Insurance is but a bonus in comparison to the good you will bring by aiding the benevolent Dragon cult of yore!
You also receive people not whining about the stormcloaks in there city.
Fewer faceless guards if you go Imperial, and no more obnoxious guard female faux accents.
It also makes wimperials svckle, lol.
Better than death by liver failure. No wonder Skyrim needs healers.
Touche, wimperial. Touche
LOL, Nords are immune.
TRUE nords, anyway. Blessing of Shor.
You get to ensure that the Empire is strong so it can beat the Thalmor into the ground, I hate the Thalmor as much as any Stormcloak, but a divided Empire isn't going to be able to defeat them.
Plus Ulfric is an unwitting pawn in their schemes, so you get to throw off their plans.
I think its funny that people become so loyal to one side or the other. The Empire is weak and tried to kill me for literally no reason. The Stormcloaks are morons. I have trouble finding a reason to even do the quest series other than the keep battles(which are some of my favorite battles in skyrim due to how many enemies you get to slaughter at once).