Not really out of place, but I feel so many perks aren't pulling their weight when compared to others. Some great perks are Sneak and just about any weapon-base perk. These perks have a base benefit along with an additional benefit that improves/adds gameplay.
The modding perks fall short to me as a perk (as a system they're awesome). Same goes for the..."access" perks (lockpicking and hacking). What I'd love to see:
Gun Nut/Armorer/Blacksmith/Science! - Each rank gives you access to x level mods. Additionally, scrapping the appropriate items for each perk (guns for gun nuts, energy weapons for Science!, etc.) gives yields rare resources (what scrapper currently does). Higher ranks in the perk yield rarer items. This would make the current incarnation of Scrapper redundant so change it to:
Scrapper 1: Scrapping an item yields 50% more materials. 2: Scrapping an item yields 100% more materials. Additionally, workbenches start off with more materials available.
As for the access perks, I want to see that fourth rank in each removed completely as a rank and move the effect to the third rank. Then, add effects to the first and second rank:
Rank 1: Gain access to Advanced level locks. Also increases the strength of bobby pins by 50%.
Rank 2: Gain access to Expert level locks. Also increases the strength of bobby pins by 100%.
Rank 3: Gain access to Master level locks. Allows the player to pick doors controlled by terminals.
This gives lockpicking a huge edge on accessing stuff. The magazines would increases the size of the "sweet spot".
Rank 1: Gain access to Advanced level locks. Adds an extra attempt to hack a computer.
Rank 2: Gain access to Expert level locks. Adds an extra attempt to hack a computer.
Rank 3: Gain access to Master level locks. Adds extra functionality choices to machines connected to a terminal (e.g. spot lights will blind enemies, protectrons and turrets can be turned on their owners).
Total Hack magazines will now increasingly remove "duds".