Welp after all this time, I've finally finished the first version of my mod, Perks & Skill Advanced. It's not ready to go on nexus/etc yet though, so I'm going to do a test release here before I open the floodgates to make sure no obvious bugs are present. I've been testing it for the past week, so I feel like major bugs are gone, but I still need testing feedback! PLEASE SEE THE SECOND POST BELOW THIS ONE FOR DOWNLOAD LINK AND RELEASE-SPECIFIC NOTES
What is Perks & Skills Advanced?
Perks & Skills Advanced aims to redesign the combat skills and skill trees in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, without completely altering the vanilla system (for Heavy Armor, Light Armor, Two-Handed, One-Handed, Archery, Block). I had a few big issues with the new perk tree system in Skyrim, but I loved the idea. In theory - it could have been the deepest and most interesting RPG system used in an Elder Scrolls title to date, but the execution was so poor and some skills were so useless in how they worked compared to other skills, that it was more of a gimmick. Some issues that the vanilla (default) Skyrim perk tree and skill system has that Perks & Skills Advanced (PSA) aims to solve:
- Most perk trees were hardly trees at all, such as heavy armor which literally only had about 6-8 perks total, with almost no branching.
- Many perks are completely throw-away bonuses that don't do anything relevant or force you to "perk into" useless perks to get to the good perks. Such as, to get Conditioning for Heavy Armor, you first had to pick a completely irrelevant and "useless" perk like Fists of Steel, which made you do more unarmed damage.. even if you weren't fighting without weapons. And why is a perk like that, in Heavy Armor anyways?
- Instead of the skill itself having the power, the perks took all the power. A level 100 user of two-handed with no perks deals less damage output than a level 60 user with perks. This is all due to poorly made starter perks like Barbarian, which just boost your damage with two handed by 20%. The game is balanced and expects you to get these perks too, completely removing the "point" of what a skill and perk tree is supposed to do - let you customize and specialize what the skill itself is for.
- Some perks totally broke the role of the skill, completely ignoring what makes certain skills unique. Such as Conditioning for Heavy Armor, which made it so armor is weightless and doesn't slow you down when worn. Why would HEAVY armor do that? With that perk, Heavy Armor functions and works exactly like a much better version of Light Armor. Certain skills as such suffer from an identity crisis - they don't feel all that unique from the other skill's opposite.
- The new system was made in a way that encouraged players to NOT specialize, and try as many skills as possible, to prevent players from "starting over". However, because in order to be good in a skill you HAD to get perks, you basically needed to specialize in order to survive later levels. At the same time, the perk trees didn't let you specialize very much within the skill you wanted to use, because the perks they used were very simple and tended to just do basic damage increases. When in fact, perk trees could have potentially been incredibly deep, letting users who are good in (for example) two handed to use all two handed weapons rather effectively, but if a player would "perk" into and specialize towards axes, they would have increased ability and bonus to using those weapons. Instead there was no specialization, just simplified perks, that required players to perk them in order to survive later levels. This punishes both players who don't specialize their perks (underpowered) and players who want to specialize (because they really aren't specializing all that much).
PSA aims to address all the above issues. Skills will be tweaked in ways that make the skill more unique to use. The skill level will also be the most important factor in determining how good you are at a skill - perks will only augment, enhance, or add bonuses and abilities, sometimes at a cost, and let players specialize in their "major skill".
Perk trees will encourage sticking to a "class" through the new Major Skill system, and will often feature multiple branches or avenues one can perk into within a skill.
What about Magic PSA or Thief PSA? I plan on doing those, but to ensure that SOMETHING get's released and to keep things modular, I've focused on releasing the combat-skill portion of the mod first. I'm not planning on touching crafting skills though - partially because there is a TON in my opinion that needs done there (to the point of being a separate mod), and partially because there's already some excellent modders out there who are dealing with redoing the craft skills.
What is combat like under PSA?
Combat is completely redesigned, in part because the skill system now ties heavily into how good you are with a skill, and also because the combat flow in Skyrim leaves something to be desired. With my tweaks, hopefully we have something that feels unique to skyrim but takes much inspiration from the the brilliant combat design flow of Dark Souls.
Here's how combat works under PSA:
- Stamina is extremely important, but regenerates fast in order to make stamina balance a tactical part of the flow in a fight. Actions such as drawing a bow, sprinting, power-attacking, blocking hits among other stamina-intensive actions all keep a toll on your stamina while actions like attacking, being attacked prevent your stamina from regenerating. When out of stamina, you take more damage if using heavy armor, you are more likely to lose balance under light armor, you can't keep your bow fully drawn, you can't fully block hits and you'll find it hard to pull off abilities that drain your stamina.
- Everything feels more impactful, and intense with added screen effects for various combat states you are in (designed to also make it easy to get a feel for how you are doing without needing to look at your health/stamina bar). Things become more desaturated the lower you are on stamina, hits you take gives you a subtle but noticeable hit feedback, you can feel the weight behind your swings with a big, slow, powerful 2H weapon, etc.
- Shields will now always block 100% of the damage, but take a toll on your stamina while holding the shield up and takes a bigger toll when blocking hits. If you get below zero stamina while blocking a hit, your guard is broken! And you become staggered, leaving you open. This applies to enemies as well, and you'll lose out on stamina if you hit an enemy who is blocking. Weapons block like they do in vanilla skyrim, but you can move much faster in them and react quicker.
- Because of the shield changes, combat is now much more damaging in general. You won't find yourself getting sniped by a single arrow, but arrows and weapon attacks will hurt a lot more than before, requiring you to properly dodge or block the attack to avoid damage. Its meaty, in-your-face, tactical combat.
- Different weapon and armor types feel unique from each other. 2H weapons play out completely different to 1H ones, and within 1H ones some weapons will perform different style roles compared to others. Waraxes are fast and damaging, but they don't have much armor-piercing. Maces are slower but hit hard and can better hit through armor with perks. Swords are a happy middle ground, focused on utility.
- The type of weapon/armor you are using has a huge impact. Daedric is very slow but very powerful at all levels, but requiring a high skill to use it well. Lighter materials are more efficient, quicker, and easier to handle at lower levels but you might find yourself with less damage-per-hit. In other words, just because you have all daedric gear doesn't make you better than someone who just want to use all steel gear. You'll have better stats but more downsides compared to steel.
- Everything is derived from your character skills, unlike some other mods that focus entirely on combat. A user of 2H weapons at skill 15 will still do an incredible amount of damage, but his weapon swings slow, he'll have less control, use a ton of stamina on power-attacks and have a good chance of staggering himself when landing power attack hits. At skill 100, swings will be much quicker and efficient, have much more control, and much more damaging. You'll also be able to handle "hard to use weapons" like Daedric much better.
- Due to the changes above, potions heal over time now instead of instant. This works much better with balance of the mod. (compatible with mods that change this if you load them after)
- Also due to the above changes, enemies can no longer kill move. It was a bad mechanic anyways! (comparable with mods that change this if you load them after).
What is the future for PSA?
Future updates are going to focus on further expanding combat before eventually moving onto magic and sneak skills. Some things to come in the short term:
- Disable some of the camera effects and staggers if you are in 3rd person or on a horse, for better playability in those camera mods.
- A tutorial in-game so you don't have to read a giant manual on how everything is different
- Melee attacks (both to enemies and from enemies) causing you to cancel the draw of your bow on hit.
- Blocking with 2H weapons to be slower than blocking with 1H weapons
- Timing bashes to become important - if you time it right during an attack, you'll heavily stagger them instead of the normal stagger.
- Possibly remove the dice-roll chance for you to fumble attacks (dependant on your skills) in favor of making attacks well timed (the better your skill, the more open this window will be).
In the long term, I'd love to get the perk trees actually looking good, and fully expanding on the features of the mod to offer a deeper experience with item types. I.E. instead of basing movement speed on material type, basing it on weight of the item, and just in-general making more tighter adjustments to the foundation I've laid. Then, possibly move on to doing the magic and stealth skills!
Video Walkthroughs
Heavy Armor Perk Tree, and Skill Redesign (old): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1OlbMwykMY
Two-Handed Skill and Perk Tree Redesign (old): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8-8ibpd4Qw
Combat Overview and Flow of a Fight: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s9sVCwe6dto&feature=youtu.be
Heavy Armor's new and improved Skill Tree: http://i.imgur.com/mytx4.jpg
Two-Handed's new and improved Skill Tree: http://i.imgur.com/IX0NF.jpg