Well I obviously must be missing something, tell me, what was the better alternative?
Lemme just put it this way...
What do I want to see from perks?
For example, what if axes did inferior damage across the board, but had the ability to knock your opponent down. Meanwhile, swords could continue having the superior damage output, but would svck against armored foes, whereas maces excel against armored foes in exchange for being none too special against unarmored ones. What you've done is seperated the weapons into two categories: one that's purely offensive and one that's more defensive. The offense is the split into two sub groups: one for if you want to be able to kill common foes quickly, another for if you're more focused on the tough fights and not so much on overall kill speed.
What if axes had perks that encouraged power attacks by providing them with a damage bonus (and possible knockdown effect) whereas swords encouraged rapid swings by providing you with perks that increased crit rate and added a base damage amount (say 10 more damage) onto every swing? What if two handed weapons had an area-of-effect perk that allowed them to hit multiple opponents with a single swing? What if heavy armor had vastly superior defense and provided you with perks to even increase your magic resistance in heavy armor or even a % chance to resist poison, whereas light armor provided you with perks that increased your crit rate, decreased the enemy's chance to crit you, provided you with a speed bonus, and gave you the ability to roll and dodge as acrobatics once did?
What if marksmanship perks meant the difference between being able to zoom in or not, the difference between being able to knockdown or not, and one increased the stealth of your shots?
These are the kinds of perks I want to see: these make each playthrough unique. Suddenly axes provide offensive defense whereas swords do not. Suddenly two-handed weapons are better for group fights than one handed ones, and suddenly light armor and swords are an absolute must for an assassin, who'll need the crits and speed. But judging by the ones I see so far, these probably won't happen. So far the ones we've seen have been very generic or seemingly pointless (I don't care what you say, bleed will undoubtedly be inferior to a sword's superior DPS), or where we see the promise of a good and unique perk, we see nothing preventing EVERY type of player from grabbing it in light of the other bad ones.
We'll see I guess. We have no info to go off of as of now. I just worry that, these are the same guys that split Blade and blunt into two different skills, then gave them the same "perks" in Oblivion, or that these are the same guys who struggled to provide FO3 with perks that actually seperated the different playstyles from one another. These are the guys who's perks affected Energy weapons and guns alike in FO3, allowing anyone to use either of the two, while Heavy Weapons didn't even get a single perk.