Perks you think shouldn't have returned or been added.

Post » Fri Aug 06, 2010 7:22 pm

Pff, Yeah I mean really, Who would repair that gun thats worth over 15000 Caps with a 109 cap weapon.

Peh, Those poooooor souls. :rolleyes:


Why would I pay 3000 caps for my power armor repairs when I can pay 300 caps for a suit of metal armor to repair it xD.
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Kevin S
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Post » Fri Aug 06, 2010 8:45 pm

You hear that children?

Thats the sound of my brand new pistol being grafted into my AMR.
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Guy Pearce
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Post » Sat Aug 07, 2010 1:52 am


Why would I pay 3000 caps for my power armor repairs when I can pay 300 caps for a suit of metal armor to repair it xD.

Trouble is you have to pick 90 % Repair to get it. ATM I do fine with 50%.
That said I dont think there are any peks that shouldnt be there. Yes there are perks I would never use but thats another matter.
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Post » Fri Aug 06, 2010 7:37 pm

90% Repair is'nt a bad thing.

Its quite useful really.
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Post » Sat Aug 07, 2010 4:34 am

Trouble is you have to pick 90 % Repair to get it. ATM I do fine with 50%.
That said I dont think there are any peks that shouldnt be there. Yes there are perks I would never use but thats another matter.

To be honest, 90% is ridiculously high for a perk in my opinion, but I guess Jury Rigging basically is implying you are a master of repair, so you know how to do what others cant. Honestly, outside Jury Rigging, dialogue checks, and skill checks, I dont see a reason to invest in repair as no matter what level my repair is, my weapons dont degrade fast or anything. Good thing Melee, Unarmed, and Energy Weapons are my dump stats :laugh:
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Post » Fri Aug 06, 2010 8:58 pm

I find melee a useless stat, Unarmed punches it out of the box.

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Emily Martell
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Post » Fri Aug 06, 2010 11:21 pm

Now if it only wasn't possible to have enough caps to fill the Grand Canyon with....

...Yeah I know, inconvenient details and all that. I do see the value in the perk when running around with the 100% criting sniper rifle that needs to be repaired every 80 shots fired, or using what passes for Power Armor, that can't stop a .22 round, in the game.
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Beast Attire
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Post » Fri Aug 06, 2010 8:37 pm

jury rigging especially helps armor

weapons are easy to repair with repair kits (about 50 caps if you must buy the ingredients)

you can do fine without JR if you wear common armor (or dont get hit btw)

I dont really care about the radabsorption perk. I mean seriously which lv28 character has problems with radiation? and cant afford a radsuit or radx, radaway?
So marginal and so late. It would probably still svck if you could get it at lv10.

Lead Belly and Rad Resistance are also very debatable. Radiation blocking is good, but spending perks to do it isnt.

Nerd Rage: thanks to the fact that you get 20% of incoming damage if your DT blocks an attack completely, this isnt much of a life saver actually.
should trigger at 33% or even 50% of max hp.

Infiltrator/Computer Whiz: if you jam/get locked out ->reload; if in a no reloads allowed game be careful or dont force a lock; no need to waste even one perk.

Center of Mass: Sounds nice; however imho close to useless since you could vats the head of an enemy for 100% more damage and only slight lower chances to hit.
Would be ok if it also worked outside of VATS.

Grim Reapers Sprint: Overpowered in F3, weak in NV. Only 5 more actionpoints than a rank of action boy. And only (maybe!) works for your second and following volleys.
For VATS characters with 2x Actionboy, MathWrath and/or PlasmaSpaz it might help in maxing attacks/turn. Or if you dont qualifiy for action boy.

Silent Running: does close enough to nothing for characters with sneak>75 imho

And then there are the Roleplaying perks, like cannibal, ghastly scavenger, terrifying presence and so on. Well as said you might take them when roleplaying.
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Post » Fri Aug 06, 2010 10:41 pm

My only gripe about Jury Rigging, is how hard it is to find the weapons I can use to repair my sniper rifles. Now, granted, my Gobi doesn't wear out easily, but still. I have to either find or buy a LMG or a Service Rifle. I do wish I could use Hunting or Varmint rifles, but I suppose it's a fair trade off for having the ability to repair items with similar items, and thus save caps.
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Post » Sat Aug 07, 2010 7:05 am

they should have added a perk wen you steal stuff and they notice they should make it so they dont take it back im tired of loading the game alot :)
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Brittany Abner
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Post » Fri Aug 06, 2010 10:24 pm

To be honest, I love center of mass. For RP purposes, I almost ALWAYS go for the torso in VATS. Occasionally I might cripple their weapon arm if they're close enough I can have > 50% chance to hit, but I want to make sure my shots count for something instead of missing entirely.

I almost exclusively use VATS because I svck at first person shooters (especially on consoles), so this perk is a little better suited to my playing style.

Standard operating procedure: 2 to the chest, 1 to the head (to make sure they're dead). :gun:
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Siobhan Thompson
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Post » Sat Aug 07, 2010 7:31 am

Jury Rigging. Does anybody even use this perk?! :tongue:

i hope you are being sarcastic.

i love that perk, nothing beats the feeling of repairing an AM Rifle with a Varmint Rifle
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Monique Cameron
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Post » Fri Aug 06, 2010 6:20 pm

they should have added a perk wen you steal stuff and they notice they should make it so they dont take it back im tired of loading the game alot :)

wouldn't lower the usefulness of the sneak skill
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Post » Sat Aug 07, 2010 10:26 am
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Farrah Barry
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Post » Fri Aug 06, 2010 11:00 pm

They really should have brought back the Gifted Trait but I can understand why they didn't as its a pretty powerful Trait.

Nerd Rage is a dumb Perk as is Here and Now.

Swift Learner is useless outside of the Chet Bug and even then its only useful during the Chet Bug
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Post » Fri Aug 06, 2010 6:59 pm

Well with regards to the Miss Fortune Perk, the thing to bear in mind is that it is not a feminine version of the Mysterious Stranger Perk, as in she does not dish out obscene amounts of damage like the Mysterious Stranger does.
As near as I can figure out, the Miss Fortune Perk is basically a perk which adds in critical failures imposed upon your foes by an external force (Miss Fortune). When she appears she has a chance to inflict one of the following mishaps on the enemie/s she hits. Knockdown, Knocks the weapon out of your opponents hand (if it's not wielding a weapon, the result is rerolled) or cripples a random limb (if the limb chosen to be crippled is already crippled, it rerolls to see which new limb is crippled).
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Post » Sat Aug 07, 2010 8:14 am

they should have a perk wear wen somone notices you stealing they dont take it back that be cool
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James Hate
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Post » Sat Aug 07, 2010 7:00 am

Grim Reaper's Sprint
Ferocious Loyalty
Nerd Rage

*and any PC altering perk magically gifted by the mere presence of an NPC, and lost when they leave.
IMO the whole mechanic stinks.
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Lloyd Muldowney
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Post » Sat Aug 07, 2010 1:11 am

Nerd rage is most useful for a nerd character that doesnt have high dt to begin with and has low strength. End of a tough fight you can be sure you can carry alot of loot back to a shop or your hideout and then heal.. and the extra dt means your last 10-155 heal is effectively doubled or tripled.
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Isabel Ruiz
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Post » Sat Aug 07, 2010 9:00 am

I think for any given character build there are some Perks that are going to be useless, but on a different build, the same Perks are usefull or even necessary.

With getting Perks every other level, I have not found myself looking that list of Perks trying to pick something just so I can complete the Level Up screen, but really looking at the list to figure out which ones I can use on my character.

I have never used Mysterious Stranger, or any of the VATS ones as I don't do VATS that often. However I can see where they would be of benifit to those who do use VATS.

What I have the biggest issue with are the Traits. Other than Good Natured and Wild Wasteland, are any of them useful?
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Ashley Hill
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Post » Sat Aug 07, 2010 7:01 am

What I have the biggest issue with are the Traits. Other than Good Natured and Wild Wasteland, are any of them useful?

Traits re-balance the rules a bit in favor of the type of PC you plan to make; that's how its always been (though the 'Gifted' trait's trade off was a little too much of a one sided gain IMO).

I just read the traits list and they all seem fine to me, but "Loose Cannon" seems very odd. It simultaneously increases the speed of thrown weapons while decreasing their range.

**I have not used this in the game; does it affect the speed of the object (in flight), or the PC's ability to throw another one quickly?
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Kevin S
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Post » Fri Aug 06, 2010 8:48 pm

What I have the biggest issue with are the Traits. Other than Good Natured and Wild Wasteland, are any of them useful?

Build to destroy: +3% critical chance before multipliers is nothing to sneeze at. and the downside is small and completely negated by a certain companion.
you could also take 3 points out of luck and spend them elsewhere and still have the same critchance
Small Frame: +1 special point? disadvantage non existant in non hardcoe (enough stims), and even hardcoe is doable with a bit more attention.
Kamikaze: at over 200hp, do 2 points of extradamage with each attack really matter that much? 10 Actionpoints help for VATS play at least.

Traits are all about minimizing their disadvantages while getting the most out of their advantages.

Oh and while we are at it: If the Gifted trait would be in the game in exactly the same way as in F1 and F2, it would probably be a weak trait.
+1 to all special vs -10 to all skills and -5 skillpoint per level sounds very harsh in NV
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Post » Sat Aug 07, 2010 4:55 am

Oh and while we are at it: If the Gifted trait would be in the game in exactly the same way as in F1 and F2, it would probably be a weak trait.
+1 to all special vs -10 to all skills and -5 skillpoint per level sounds very harsh in NV
True, but that's because S.P.E.C.I.A.L. and skills are so screwed up in the new games.

Special stat gains don't have the same impact in FO3/NV; and skills are now threshold based. :(
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brenden casey
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Post » Fri Aug 06, 2010 11:35 pm

One good thing about having all these different perks is you can try different ones out each time you make a new character. Keeps the game interesting :)
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Farrah Barry
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Post » Sat Aug 07, 2010 7:22 am

For my first character in F:NV I chose the Trigger Discipline trait because it sounded cool, but in my experience I found that I would much rather pop off rounds as fast as possible than have a little more accuracy. When a Deathclaw is in your face, that 20% slower fire rate really hurts, and the 20% increased accuracy doesn't mean a thing.
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