What I have the biggest issue with are the Traits. Other than Good Natured and Wild Wasteland, are any of them useful?
Build to destroy: +3% critical chance before multipliers is nothing to sneeze at. and the downside is small and completely negated by a certain companion.
you could also take 3 points out of luck and spend them elsewhere and still have the same critchance
Small Frame: +1 special point? disadvantage non existant in non hardcoe (enough stims), and even hardcoe is doable with a bit more attention.
Kamikaze: at over 200hp, do 2 points of extradamage with each attack really matter that much? 10 Actionpoints help for VATS play at least.
Traits are all about minimizing their disadvantages while getting the most out of their advantages.
Oh and while we are at it: If the Gifted trait would be in the game in exactly the same way as in F1 and F2, it would probably be a weak trait.
+1 to all special vs -10 to all skills and -5 skillpoint per level sounds very harsh in NV