Perks you think shouldn't have returned or been added.

Post » Fri Aug 06, 2010 8:30 pm

For my first character in F:NV I chose the Trigger Discipline trait because it sounded cool, but in my experience I found that I would much rather pop off rounds as fast as possible than have a little more accuracy. When a Deathclaw is in your face, that 20% slower fire rate really hurts, and the 20% increased accuracy doesn't mean a thing.

That's in part because accuracy still doesn't have much of an influence.
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Matthew Barrows
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Post » Sat Aug 07, 2010 10:13 am

For my first character in F:NV I chose the Trigger Discipline trait because it sounded cool, but in my experience I found that I would much rather pop off rounds as fast as possible than have a little more accuracy. When a Deathclaw is in your face, that 20% slower fire rate really hurts, and the 20% increased accuracy doesn't mean a thing.

See, I look at this trait and think, OK, for those times it matters, I will crouch down and take my time and aim carefully before I shoot. Trading off Speed for Accuracy is not one I want to make in all tactical situations. I look at most traits as having to give up too much all the time to gain too little for those times when it really matters.
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Post » Sat Aug 07, 2010 12:04 am

Another perk I forgot to add to my list is Infiltrator.

I never ever, EVER force a lock unless I have a 100% chance. And that only occurs if I have a lockpick skill of 100 and it's a "Very Easy" lock. As some have pointed out, some of the perks listed are great for role playing purposes. But offer little to no assistance. Seems like they'd be worth taking for dialogue purposes. Hopefully, in the next Fallout they'll expand on dialogue options to include some of the perks mentioned here. And even broaden dialogue to other skills like lockpick or energy weapons.
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Post » Sat Aug 07, 2010 9:17 am

See, I look at this trait and think, OK, for those times it matters, I will crouch down and take my time and aim carefully before I shoot. Trading off Speed for Accuracy is not one I want to make in all tactical situations. I look at most traits as having to give up too much all the time to gain too little for those times when it really matters.

It did come in handy a small number of times (mostly when sniping), but yeah, it didn't feel like it paid off enough. My bad experience with Trigger Discipline kind of left a bad taste in my mouth, but I should give Fast Shot or whatever the opposite trait is. Might be good for my next character I want to make: Primarily using melee weapons, going to try to limit myself to only carrying 1 or 2 guns for long-range situations. Seems to fit a low-intelligence brute who carries a Super Sledge...if I have to shoot you, might as well shoot you as fast as possible, accuracy be damned.
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Post » Sat Aug 07, 2010 6:06 am

I saw others talking about Traits.

My favorite so far is Four Eyes. If you're playing a character using energy weapons, explosives or picking lots locks it is a must. I get +2 PER by wearing any form of glasses (reading, sun or eye). And throw in a hat and my perception is at 9 by only increasing it to 6 at the start of the game. I was able to have my explosives at 95 and with the added bonuses I had the skill at 100. Which is great if you're using the grenade machine gun.
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Miranda Taylor
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Post » Sat Aug 07, 2010 12:24 am

I always pick Confirmed Bachelor at the beginning, best starting perk.
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Eric Hayes
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Post » Sat Aug 07, 2010 10:26 am

I don't think any perk so go, they should be revamp if they are good enough

While Here and Now and Swift Learner seem pretty useless, it would be useful for those who would like to spend less time to level.
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Elizabeth Lysons
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Post » Fri Aug 06, 2010 8:05 pm

Nerd Rage has saved me so many times....and considering I don't use stimpacks at all and heal myself completely with food I have to heal over time. Nerd Rage is useful if you play at Very Hard difficulty.

Heave Ho! is an amazing perk, you are suppose to combine it with the loose cannon how is this useful might you ask? Yeah you can throw almost half a dozen plasma grenades far into caesars tent to weaken the barrage of displacer ownage by the time they get near you.
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Post » Sat Aug 07, 2010 8:55 am

Another perk I forgot to add to my list is Infiltrator.

I never ever, EVER force a lock unless I have a 100% chance. And that only occurs if I have a lockpick skill of 100 and it's a "Very Easy" lock. As some have pointed out, some of the perks listed are great for role playing purposes. But offer little to no assistance. Seems like they'd be worth taking for dialogue purposes. Hopefully, in the next Fallout they'll expand on dialogue options to include some of the perks mentioned here. And even broaden dialogue to other skills like lockpick or energy weapons.

This and Computer Whiz are utterly useless in their current form.

Infiltrator should increase the chance to force locks above Very Easy.
Computer Whiz should either grant an extra allowance reset or remove a certain number of duds at the beginning depending on your skill level and the comp's difficulty level. If the latter, then there should be a minimum number removed so that it would still be useful on Very Hard comps.

I saw others talking about Traits.

My favorite so far is Four Eyes. If you're playing a character using energy weapons, explosives or picking lots locks it is a must. I get +2 PER by wearing any form of glasses (reading, sun or eye). And throw in a hat and my perception is at 9 by only increasing it to 6 at the start of the game. I was able to have my explosives at 95 and with the added bonuses I had the skill at 100. Which is great if you're using the grenade machine gun.

Four Eyes imposes a permanent -1 to PER, then grants glasses a +2 PER effect. As such, if you set PER to 6 and take the trait, you'll have a 5 without glasses and a 7 with them, so a hat would put it at 8. Still useful, although I don't like being locked into using glasses for my character's whole career.

As for perks I think should not have been retained/added:

Swift Learner- this was really useful in FO2, but an utter waste in any of the other games.
Here and Now- useless period
Nerd Rage- in any situation where this would be useful I'm slamming either stims or food, because otherwise the next hit will kill me.
Fortune Finder- like I really need 10 more caps from a file cabinet when I can make 500x that from selling one Combat Armor.
Scrounger- 20-100 more of a given ammo per can does not compete with getting 200-2200 more at any one vendor.
Lead Belly- even in hardcoe mode there's plenty of clean water, and if that wasn't enough you could take the Rad Absorption perk.

There's a number of other perks, such as Cannibal, that are too specialized/marginal for my tastes, but they at least have RP uses. Cannibal can also be useful in hardcoe mode since it provides food as well as health, albeit in small doses.
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Post » Sat Aug 07, 2010 8:50 am

death: How is gifted powerful? Seems balanced to me.
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Erika Ellsworth
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Post » Fri Aug 06, 2010 9:23 pm

death: How is gifted powerful? Seems balanced to me.

In FO2, Gifted was stupidly OP due to how heavily SPECIAL influenced starting skill levels. Basically, for some skills the -10 penalty was halved due to attribute increases. There were also a ton of SP to be had, including books for 5 skills, so the penalty was essentially irrelevant as you were only going to be working on a few skills anyway.

More broadly: since attribute increases tend to be very limited while SP are plentiful, any trait/perk/whatever that raises attributes in bulk is disproportionately powerful unless it has a correspondingly steep penalty.
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Post » Sat Aug 07, 2010 1:08 am

I picked Robotics Expert. It really comes in handy. I used it with a stealth boy deactivating robots in places like Helios One and REPCONN.

Meh. That's what a big chunk of hot lead between the sensor pods is for...
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