Here and Now, I use to take this one in Fallout 3 until I found it kind of cheated me of a perk that could have aided my travels it was just a quick way to add more skill points which wasn't bad in Fallout 3 as by that point I would have close to 30 skill points to distribute. In New Vegas I've only been able to get about 20 or so and you pick perks every 2 levels. Seemed kind of pointless to waste a perk when you have a rather limited number to take.
Miss Fortune, I took it once and wished I had taken Mysterious Stranger. My guess it was added for those who want to make a pacifist character. But when I was fighting Deathclaws and she appeared she didn't do me any good.
Light Step, traps are rather easy to disarm and I don't find I have much trouble however there were some points in quests I wish I had it.
Computer Whiz, Most everyone I know just quits out of a terminal if they have one guess left. Would be worth taking if it had dialogue options or allowed you to bypass some systems on quests. Or recover data on systems that have had a critical system failure.
Robotics Expert, not very many robots in this one unless you're going after Mr. House.
Quick Draw, I don't find this to be to useful. Decreasing the time it takes to equip and holster a weapon doesn't seem to have much of an affect combat success.
Cowboy, I like the added benefit to revolvers and even lever actions weapons as you find these frequently but when I found better weapons I didn't bother using lever actions weapons anymore. And getting 45-70 Government ammo for the Brush Gun can be difficult or pricey and I hardly ever used dynamite. But it comes in handy for revolvers I just don't like the need for for a melee skill of 45. Usually if I'm using guns I won't bother putting points into melee.
Living Anatomy, I liked this one at first, but I find it to be obvious what a targets DT or health is just by looking at them and what they're wearing. The 5% bonus against humans and Ghouls didn't seem to have a much of an affect.
Heave, Ho!, good in VATS but rather pitful outside of VATS unless you're trying to throw a lot of explosives or spears quickly at enemies.