Cannibal and Bloody mess please.
Cannibal and Bloody mess please.
I wouldn't mind seeing Meltdown again. That perk was the bee's knees for energy weapons. It's plasma and explosions. What more could you want?
I want to see the return of! For, uh, food reasons.
- night person
- fortune finder
-robotics expert
- scoundrel
- wild wasteland
I would love to see the Cyborg Perk expanded upon. Perhaps instead of some flat bonuses, it would enable an implant system similar to that of Project Nevada, with Implants being found or purchased or made and then installed. The Cyborg perk would essentially represent the implantation of the basic framework, and the fact that your body has adapted to not reject the implanted devices.
I'd also like to see Wild Wasteland integrated into the base game, or at the very least, be an option that is given to us similar to the hardcoe Mode option in F:NV.
The Lady Killer, Black Widow, Cherchez le Femme, and Confirmed Bachelor perks would be a welcome sight as well, as would Child at Heart.
I like the ones that make your character particularly unique in certain areas, especially some of the ones introduced in New Vegas like the Cowboy perk.
Any perk that actively changes the way my character interacts with the world is a big + from me.
With the New weather system in game I would like to see some new interesting perks that give you special abilities lilke say when it rains or during lightning storms....."Lightning reflexes" or "Rain Man (improved Intelligence)".
Perks... not sure.
TRAITS.... Wild Wasteland.
Perks that give me extra options in dialogue/different ways of completing/get more info a quest have always been a favourite. And they kinda fall under that but Cherchez la femme and confirmed bachelor too cuz I wanna light up the Wasteland with my nuclear rainbow.
Same here hopefully we'll get ones like child at heart, though Im sad that confirmed bachelor and cherchez la femme obviously wont be in it since your character is automatically straight and married >_<
I want perks for using weapons, like in New Vegas... not returning perks but something like... Future Revolutionist: Kill X amount of enemies using laser weapons... The perk would add 5 percent damage to laser weapons... and had like 3 levels.
Anyone asking for Nuclear Anomaly is going to get some backlash I would think.
Friend of the night
Wild Wasteland
Mad bomber
They're good eatings
roughin it
certified tech
heavy weight
eye for an eye
Black Widow/ Lady Killer
Allows you to flirt with mesmerized NPCs (Raiders) / Normal NPCs requires Charisma
NPCs interacted enough give you gifts, companionship or six (Buttercup/Mr. Burke)
In Combat: After mezzing an NPC, you can flirt with them to fight for you.
Animal Friend
Makes Low Level Animals Mountable like a horse.
Allows more interaction (Can make Animals Companions)
I would like to ask for Nuclear Anomaly to be included in FO4.
In Fallout 3 the very first thing I did every game was start doing Moira's quests so that I could get that perk that regenerated your limbs when you had advanced radiation sickness. I then spent the rest of the game with advanced radiation sickness.
List of perks people think they have identified in Fallout 4's perk poster
-Strong Back
-Lead Belly
-Life Giver
-Rad Resistance
-Adamantium Skeleton
-Solar Powered
-Master Trader
-Lady Killer
-Animal Friend
-Gun Nut
-Gun slinger
-Mister Sandman
-Action boy
-Fortune finder
-Bloody Mess
-Mysterious Stranger
-Better Criticals
-Grim Reaper's Sprint
Also the
skills have seemingly been converted to perks as well.
-What appears to be either Swift Learner or Computer Whiz appears to be a perk also
also appear to be perks but are harder to make out/confirm.
just occured to me in another threat:
i want that "four eyed" perk (if that was the name, featuring a short sighted vault boy icon) to come with actual shortsightedness visual fx )
Shotgun Surgeon......
And STAY back!
Combined with the riot shotgun/combat shotgun, these were awesome.