If there is hardcoe mode in F4, would you welcome permadeath ( i.e., one life, loss of save file ).
If there is hardcoe mode in F4, would you welcome permadeath ( i.e., one life, loss of save file ).
noooooo. i cant imagine playing perfectly for hours and getting a lot done... and then stepping on a landmine or carelessly walking off a cliff or something stupid lol
Vanilla Mode
softcoe Mode (hardcoe w/o permadeath)
hardcoe Mode (permadeath)
This is agreeable to me. But I'm just too much of a screw up for no middle-ground.
Dead is Dead is something that players keep track of. Besides, it would be annoying to have a save be deleted forever, even for accidents.
Permadeath is only fun to people that enjoy neutering themselves with a rusty spoon.
In a gamesas game? I'm crazy, but I'm not that crazy.
Maybe I'm just gunshy from the Daggerfall days and falling out of dungeons into the void, but bugs are bugs.
Um, no. No no. Hell no. All the no. Nope, even. Millions of nopes.
People wouldn't want this. That's too much of a challenge for them, OP. Justify it all they like, but that's one challenge most here would never accept. : p
it would be interesting tho. as long as it's not a trophy/achievement its fine with me.
why would they even code something like this in? given how unreliable there own game saves have been in the past (even Skyrim gets iffy at times) im not sure I would trust a system that would bascialy be overwriting a "Deleted" file.
Only is it was a added option.
So I can pick HC, and/or One Life to Live.
Dead is Dead Playthroughs are quite Popular here at the Bethesda Boards. Speaking of which, I have to update my New Vegas DiD progress.
Like I said in another thread, I am an avid supporter of the DID playstyle and play all of my Beth games that way. However, the idea of implementing this is absurd. Do you justify it when you die from...
Power Loss
No thank you. If you actually voted yes, then you need to step back and rethink this.
It would be nice to have an option.
Pillars of Eternity has Trial of Iron mode that gets you only one save, it makes it pretty intense.
Where is the option to have people come to my house and beat my ass when I die in the game????
knocking on door ----
"hello, can I help you?"
"Yes are you Joseph?"
"Why yes I am"
"Remember last night when you tried to take on the deathclaw and got killed in Fallout 4? Well it time to pay up!"
"OWW Not the face!! OWW"
I really don't see any reason to enforce it in the mode itself, since you could easily play that way if you so desired.
Why do people keep bringing this up as if it is some new, super cool true gamer sort of thing to do.
This sort of mode has been available in games for a long time. Iron man mode. Make it independent of any difficulty setting (ala X-Com/Pillars of Eternity).
Then you can claim you are a super cool dude by beating ironman even though you secretly backed up your save and you died like 12 times and just copied your old save over.
Most certainty. Though if by default have it be optional. It is one of the first things that I add into the game to make it more enjoyable for me. The only reason I was able to master every weapon style was due to playing like that due to the very fact you have to learn quickly what your abilities are to survive. Its not for everyone; but it makes a damn good challenge.
I think death in hardcoe mode is not "hardcoe"... It's more like extreme.
So, it's better if permadeath is not included in that mode, or you make a new mode called "Ultimate Wastelander" or "Extreme" or something along that line...
But IMHO, OP's idea is quite great! It will make any player think twice before attacking a super mutant or even just a pack of mole rats haha ^^
Btw, will there really be a hardcoe mode in F4?
You are playing the game for 100 hours... and than... because of a small bug you die. But it's a permadeath! That would be funny.
I beat Fallout 3 in a no death, dead is dead, ironman rule set. It's been a while, but I think it was on normal difficulty. The reason for doing ironman shouldn't be for bragging rights, it should be about improving your immersion in the game. Ironman forces you to take your time as if you were truly in that world. When you finally beat the game, it's far more satisfying.
I suggest putting the difficulty on easy and slowly ease into the world of no death rulesets, ironman and dead is dead.
Now some people don't have the time for it, because when you do die you have to start over from scratch. But it's an RPG, you're probably going to start over a few times anyways, so why not try it?
(If you die to a documented bug, you can reload).
Haha, no to this suggestion. You shouldn't need to have an ironman playstyle enforced with an actual game setting that would lock or delete your save game if you die. If you want to play that way, go ahead and knock yourself out, but you'd better hope you don't have any game ending bugs that cause you to lose your save that were completely out of your control.
Here is a better solution. If you die and want perma death, delete the save and start over.
Everybody wins, except any who would do this.
I beat Fallout NV + DLCs without a single death too (hardcoe + mods; difficulty was normal). Whilst I wasn't playing DiD (as to me that would be too punishing), the 'must not die' mechanic makes the game so much more enjoyable and much, much more immersive IMO. Currently midway through a Skyrim play-through in a similar style; will 100% be playing Fallout 4 in the same way.
It's not remotely about bragging rights (see normal difficulty), but how you engage with the game.