Having some problems with FadeOutGame in that it doesn't make the screen indefinitely black. One the fade out ends, the screen just pops back to normal.
Game.FadeOutGame(True, True, 0, 10)
Having some problems with FadeOutGame in that it doesn't make the screen indefinitely black. One the fade out ends, the screen just pops back to normal.
Game.FadeOutGame(True, True, 0, 10)
i don't think FadeOutGame can made to remain permanent, tried pretty hard myself
use http://www.creationkit.com/ApplyCrossFade_-_ImageSpaceModifier instead and fade to a static ism
Which imagespace would you apply to make it dark?
a black one
don't know if there's a vanilla solid black one, if not just make one. non animating, set colours 0 (a=alpha though, that'd be 255), brightness to 0, everything hdr that sounds like light to 0 to, should turn out pretty dark
I just do this...
Function imgmod() FadeToBlackImod.Apply() Utility.Wait(2.5) FadeToBlackHoldImod.Apply()endFunction
Works well enough for me. Never tried ApplyCrossFade