Oh, I see. So the transgender person, knowing they are transgender, has to either choose to live, for their entire life, in a body which constantly feels alien and wrong to them, or instead choose to acknowledge who they feel they are and bring their physical being into alignment with their mental state. Yeah, that's a fine choice to have to make. Makes it all seem so easy.
All I will say to this is that I believe his reasons for (possibly) ending the friendship are, in my eyes, bad ones.
If one of my lifelong friends came to me and told me that they were transgender, you know what I would do? Give 'em a big hug and tell them that I will support them no matter their decision. People change over their lifetimes. The strength of a friendship is determined in part by how much people are willing to deal with both how they themselves change and how their friends change over time.
Yes, that's true, they do have a choice to live in the body they were born with or change it. I don't see the struggle to understand the word "choice?"
I never said it was easy, that's why I do believe when they have surgery, they are heavily evaluated psychologically, yes?
And with that choice they make, they have consequences, just like everybody else on this planet who make choices. Are the consequences worth the risk? Obviously in this friends mind, yes, it became worth it. Did they understand they could possibly lose friends over this? Well if they didn't see that as a possibility, then they are very naive.
You aren't a robot, neither is anybody else of my acquaintance. Just because YOU would handle a situation a certain way, does not mean that everybody would, or should. Thank God we have our own minds and choices and free will!

This is a heavy subject, and one not to betaken lightly. There will be people who have very opposing views on it, (obviously) but ultimately, the choice belongs to the OP, because he has to live with himself and his decision.

Technically it is a choice, but it's not much of a choice when the alternative is a life of misery. I hope there's no suggestion that, in cases like this, the latter might be considered a reasonable course of action for them to take for no better reason than not offending others' sensibilities.
Well, they are still making that choice to be happy and comfortable with themselves, right? And if people decide they are no longer comfortable in this persons comfort zone, then the peole that choose not to be around them are pretty much doing the same thing that the transgender is doing. Making a choice to be comfortable with themselves.