Personal Dilemma

Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 11:35 am

And yet we are once again making GENDER changing as no more important than a new menu order or a shirt color change. Good grief... I've heard enough. :shakehead:

Gender changing is, indeed, a much more radical thing than a new menu order or a shirt colour change. However, having physical gender and mental gender (latter of which you have no intentional control over) match is a privilege every human being should be able to possess and, thus, having your physical gender altered to match your mental gender is not only not more important than a new menu order - it is not at all "important" in the sense in which a new menu order is important in the first place. It is though important in the sense a corrective eye surgery is important.
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 2:20 pm

out of curiosity, are these hormone injections life long or is it only for a limited amount of time?
Generally life-long, from my understanding.
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Post » Wed Feb 02, 2011 12:05 am

I think what Veeno is saying that, the transgender person doesn't necessarily understand their condition or wants to admit to what their feelings are leading to. They might feel their body is wrong or struggle with trying to be manly while having a definitely feminine psychology, (or vice versa) but they don't necessarily understand why they feel that way.
there is nothing wrong with admitting that they are having a struggle, i'd say it is even advised, strongly, i might add. but admitting that you are having a struggle is not the same as admitting you are the opposite "gender", just that you are struggling. struggling with what though? look in your pants, problem solved, struggle solved. if you have a male part, then anyone or anything that tells you are a girl is a liar. its is that black and white and anyone and anything that says it is not is a liar.

just because there are personality traits that might be "female" or "male" don't mean that men can't be sensitive or cry or that women can't be more strict than average. just because a guy can't fix cars or can be more sympathetic or more understanding of women, don't mean he is not a man, just a man with skills and abilities that are different from most men, but that don't make him a her. its is that black and white. likewise for women, just because she is more strict in what she does, or can't cook or whatever, like other girls can, does not make her a him, just a woman with skills and abilities that are different from most women. but that don't make her a him. its is that black and white.

What? No, no. It doesn't work that way.

Let's just assume that you're a guy, yes? Throughout your life, you've been told that you're a male - you're supposed to be tough, boys don't cry, etc, etc. You have had that sense of being drilled into you both by society and by your own mental sense of self. But what if society is the only thing telling you that you're a boy and your mind is saying otherwise? Which do you believe?

A thought experiment would be to try to tell yourself that you're the opposite gender and truly feel that in your heart - it probably won't work. Both society and your own internal sense of self would tell you otherwise.
society is not the only thing that tells me that, though. and objective evaluation of all possible sources of information will eventually lead one back to gender that is same as birth six. unless by a willful act the person chose to ignore some information, including what's in his or her pants, and go for what the "mind" tells him or her. and the mind... you can't trust your mind, its a walking error machine. try this: spell "shop". done? now, what do you do when you come to a green light? eh, no, i said green light. your mind tricked you into saying "stop" when i asked you what do you do when you come to a green light. (that is, unless you heard of the example and have made a note not to make the the same mistake again.) so if you mind can trick you into saying "stop" when i asked you what do you do when you come to a green light, how can you trust your mind then? btw, either you just skipped on noticing purposeful mistake i made in the previous sentence in the parenthesis, or you are really good at catching spelling errors and you did catch it... either way, the word "the" is purposefully repeated twice in the previous sentence and if you missing that(if you did miss it) just again adds to how can you trust your mind then if it can trick you from distorting reality... twice in such a short period of time. and if it can trick you into accepting distorted reality in this, then who's to say that it can't trick you into accepting distorted reality in something else, like, voila, you thinking that you might be a he and not a she.

after a prolonged thought experiment like that though, anything can be believed if sufficient "evidence" are presented. what they "evidence" and evidence are, that is different things. and during this prolonged thought experiment, that is when the person in question decided what "evidence" and or evidence to take as evidence or "evidence"... and then conclude based on those chosen "evidence" or evidence.

and man, boys preferring to spend time with boys has nothing to do with boys wanting to, hm, look at boys that way after puberty hits. its normal human thing for males to associate with other males, for one because it is easy to understand other males because the male himself is a male-having a body part and mentality to match... and any variations to that mentality, though they may not be as exact as the next male's, are just variations of his own personality, skills, abilities, etc, not a grounds for a different six or gender. and if that man has GID, then the GID can affect your physical body as much as his mental health-physical body will simply be reflecting mental changes because physical body is supposed to be in harmony with mental.

No, I don't think it's preposterous at all. If it were apparent from the get go that he is a woman in a mans body, the friends wouldn't be all upset trying to deal with it. They would just laugh it off and say "I KNEW it!" But apparently he was acting a certain way all along (like a man) with no hint that he actually feels like a woman. So, yes, in a way, he deceived them into thinking he is "all" man. I'm not downgrading the guy, just pointing out that since everyone is so shocked by this turn of events, either they are complete morons and couldn't see the obvious in front of their face, or he has been deceiving them into thinking he is a manly man, not a woman trapped inside a mans body. :shrug:

You are assuming that the transgender / gay person knows from age two or whatever that they are gay or transgender. And that there is a way to tell if a person is gay or transgender simply by their actions or looks.

It doesn't work that way.

As I've explained multiple times in this thread - biology plays a role in whether a person will identify as transgender. Hormones also play a role - they kick-start everything when the individual goes into puberty. So, for roughly 12-13 years, the person doesn't have any real inkling they are transgender or homosixual. It is only until around age 13-15 that they begin to have these different feelings - and typically these feelings take a year a more to become integrated / self-identify with those feelings. And then comes the part where the person has to come to terms with telling his friends and other people about all of this confusion and change in his life - this can likewise take time. So, in between the person self-identifying as transgender and the person telling his friends about all of this could be warped into being construed as a "lie" it is generally a very short time frame - maybe a year or two - almost a blip in a 12+ year friendship.

That also doesn't take into account that the guy has been told from about the day he was born that he has to act a certain way to be a "man" in whatever society he grows up in. To go against all of that "manly" stuff is to be seen as weak, cowardly, etc, etc. To begin to fight against that sort of societal conditioning is likewise a very difficult and time-consuming process as well.

Deception requires intent. From what I understand from everything the OP has said, there was no deception on the part of his transgender friend.
what's in the person's pants should be all that is needed to know who that person will grow up to be having feelings for and identify themselves as. if he or she intends to reproduce, then it goes into one place... anything besides that produces no babies(except surrogate mothers that is). so even in the question of reproduction what's in the pants tells one what they need to know with feelings developing later to supplement and compliment the six, not to supplement and compliment the gender chosen during these said short years, as you say.

there is no conditioning, only people acting accordingly... to what is in his pants.

there is not going to be any agreement between us though, as the fundamental question of whether or not there is objective reality has not been resolved. or if it has then we are on two opposing sides. there may be one elephant in the room, but if all who study the elephant are blind, then there will be as many 'versions' of the elephant as there are those who study the elephant.
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Charlie Ramsden
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 11:09 am

out of curiosity, are these hormone injections life long or is it only for a limited amount of time?

I'm not sure if you'd need to continue hormone therapy after castration and the development of secondary sixual characteristics appropriate to your new gender, but prior to castration hormone therapy would have to be continued to prevent partial rollback of changes in secondary sixual characteristics.
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Adam Kriner
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 8:50 pm

I'm sorry, but you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about here.

Go look up "intersixed" and come back to me if all you want to define things by is what's "in his pants."
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 11:27 pm

but there have been numerous cases where women have an internal [censored] and some cases in men where the testis are not present. Then you also have the chromosomal aspect of it. Normal is XX and XY. but then you can be XXY or XYY and have some other crazy combos.

If you want to get down to it, males are females with modified female parts :P
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Albert Wesker
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 2:19 pm

there is nothing wrong with admitting that they are having a struggle, i'd say it is even advised, strongly, i might add. but admitting that you are having a struggle is not the same as admitting you are the opposite "gender", just that you are struggling. struggling with what though? look in your pants, problem solved, struggle solved. if you have a male part, then anyone or anything that tells you are a girl is a liar. its is that black and white and anyone and anything that says it is not is a liar.

just because there are personality traits that might be "female" or "male" don't mean that men can't be sensitive or cry or that women can't be more strict than average. just because a guy can't fix cars or can be more sympathetic or more understanding of women, don't mean he is not a man, just a man with skills and abilities that are different from most men, but that don't make him a her. its is that black and white. likewise for women, just because she is more strict in what she does, or can't cook or whatever, like other girls can, does not make her a him, just a woman with skills and abilities that are different from most women. but that don't make her a him. its is that black and white.


I think I'll just go headbutt a wall.
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 1:45 pm


I think I'll just go headbutt a wall.

based on his username. He, like me, has been taught machismo :D
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Ymani Hood
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 5:03 pm


I think I'll just go headbutt a wall.
Already did it. It's not fun. But I totally agree with the sentiment, as per my earlier post.
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 11:12 am

based on his username. He, like me, has been taught machismo :D

There's nothing "macho" about "Manuel". In fact, it is a name that ultimately means Well, for some that may be "macho" I suppose, but definitely not in the common sense.
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Breanna Van Dijk
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Post » Wed Feb 02, 2011 12:51 am

edit: Sorry for double-post...

Already did it. It's not fun.

Well what do you know - you're gay/bi, so if you (according to Manuel) don't know which gender you're supposed to be attracted to, how can you possibly know if headbutting a wall is fun?!



Well, that settles it.
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 11:39 am

but there have been numerous cases where women have an internal [censored] and some cases in men where the testis are not present. Then you also have the chromosomal aspect of it. Normal is XX and XY. but then you can be XXY or XYY and have some other crazy combos.

If you want to get down to it, males are females with modified female parts :P

There's also xx males, where six determining region Y accidently ends up on an X chromsome. Mutations to SRY can also result in gender anomalies. For example, XY females are those whose SRY is either defective or non-present due to errors in gamete production or mutation.
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 4:54 pm

edit: Sorry for double-post...

Well what do you know - you're gay/bi, so if you (according to Manuel) don't know which gender you're supposed to be attracted to, how can you possibly know if headbutting a wall is fun?!



Well, that settles it.
Thought I was gay in highschool, figured out that I was bi in college. :P

Edit: Ha, such a funny spelling mistake, given the thread...
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 10:56 am

There's also xx males, where six determining region Y accidently ends up on an X chromsome. Mutations to SRY can also result in gender anomalies. For example, XY females are those whose SRY is either defective or non-present due to errors in gamete production.

chromosomes are [censored] crazy man. now, we need to create chromosomal reassignment some way some how. that would be interesting but probably impossible.
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Krystina Proietti
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 10:22 pm

Thought I was guy in highschool, figured out that I was bi in college. :P

You were a guy in high school, then turned into a sixuality in college? How'd you do that? /jk
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 9:32 pm

You were a guy in high school, then turned into a sixuality in college? How'd you do that? /jk
Hard work and a lot of booze. :P

And some other things I can't talk about in polite company. :P
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 8:25 pm

I'm not saying the guy intended to deceive everybody. But as a person finding out something dropped on them like that, when all along they've been perceiving someone a certain way, and that person has projected themselves that way, it can definitely be seen as deception. Whether on purpose or not. The person in question has known for years that they feel "different," and have had time to comes to terms with it. The people in their life they decide to tell get told and it hits them like a bomb. (most, not all) and if they've had no clue, no inkling that there was something going on inside that person, well, it can feel like deception. Yes, the age has a lot to do with it, because if a friend my age told me something like this right now, I would definitely feel deceived by it. If they purposely hid it and pretended to be a certain way, and yet were another I would feel betrayed and I have no compunction about ending that friendship, it would have been based on lies anyway, so what am I losing? :shrug:

I've had a long time friend come out, saw her change her gender (formerly a "he"), begin to acquire the physical characteristics of another gender, and act how she was comfortable with and felt natural being, and it was not easy at all for her. Her family disowned her, and sadly some friends who were rather selfishly idealistic and judgmental decided to jump ship instead of honour the value of their friendship. Indeed, she did change her behaviour, because she was not conforming to someone else's rules of how she should act anymore. However, the tenets of our friendship was not compromised in the least, because as far as our friendship goes, what they are was not the end all, be all, but acting like a friend spoke for itself, which never changed. The fact that you are judging someone else based on your own criteria of how they personally and physically should be, instead of focusing on the elements that made you friends (in your case their gender and sixuality must be it?), then you are no different than the OP, are selfish, and have quite a lot of learning to do. These people wouldn't need friends like this. I would perhaps suggest those who think in similar superficial and egocentric ways surrounding others to consider how this would feel in the reverse, however, that is, of course, the problem.. thinking only about their own self.
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 10:39 pm

Hard work and a lot of booze. :P

And some other things I can't talk about in polite company. :P

*cough* fans *cough* :P
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 11:32 pm

chromosomes are [censored] crazy man. now, we need to create chromosomal reassignment some way some how. that would be interesting but probably impossible.

Genetic modification of that sort really wouldn't be worth it. Mostly because it wouldn't actually do anything useful. If you could come up with a gene modification that could lessen potential complications from hormone therapy, that would be useful.
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Sheila Esmailka
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 10:04 am

I've had a long time friend come out, saw her change her gender (formerly a "he"), begin to acquire the physical characteristics of another gender, and act how she was comfortable with and felt natural being, and it was not easy at all for her. Her family disowned her, and sadly some friends who were rather selfishly idealistic and judgmental decided to jump ship instead of honour the value of their friendship. Indeed, she did change her behaviour, because she was not conforming to someone else's rules of how she should act anymore. However, the tenets of our friendship was not compromised in the least, because as far as our friendship goes, what they are was not the end all, be all, but acting like a friend spoke for itself, which never changed. The fact that you are judging someone else based on your own criteria of how they personally and physically should be, instead of focusing on the elements that made you friends (in your case their gender and sixuality must be it?), then you are no different than the OP, are selfish, and have quite a lot of learning to do. These people wouldn't need friends like this. I would perhaps suggest those who think in similar superficial and egocentric ways surrounding others.

You are assuming that I would end a friendship based on their gender changing or lifestyle change. It would have nothing to do with that, but with deceiving me and lying to me for years and pretending they are someone they are not.. If you will read my post again, you will see that I said age has a lot to do with it, and at MY age, 45, if a friend were to come to me and tell me something like this, I would end the friendship. NOT based on their choice but based on their decision to lie and deceive me for years. That is not selfish, that is me deciding that I don't like being lied to and deceived by so-called "friends." If they don't feel enough freindship to tell me long before now, then there wasn't much there to begin with. I don't lead a double life, and don't like when people do. I had husbands who did that very thing, and it's not fun to go through. If they can't be honest with me, like I am honest with them, then I don't need those people in my life. That's my choice, not selfishness.
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Samantha Wood
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 10:54 am

I'm sorry, but you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about here.

Go look up "intersixed" and come back to me if all you want to define things by is what's "in his pants."
never really learned anything about "intersixed"(i'd say why, but that would be too honest in the context)... but should have, i heard some vague mentions of this, but never looked it up. that was wrong of me, that i have to admit.

does any of that apply here though? who is "intersixed"? i must plea ignorance. that and i did not read all 9 pages of the topic.

but there have been numerous cases where women have an internal [censored] and some cases in men where the testis are not present. Then you also have the chromosomal aspect of it. Normal is XX and XY. but then you can be XXY or XYY and have some other crazy combos.

If you want to get down to it, males are females with modified female parts :P
yeah, i head about that... a bit hard to wrap my mind around that, though. that would mean all humans are what is typically thought of as "females" but for whatever reason(besides reproduction) are developing into two different beings, with different body parts and different personalities and all that.

but even for this i have an explanations and the only reason it is hard to wrap my mind around that is that it is not something i ever thought about. science does not have an explanation for this though, does it? and my sighting mine will, hm, brake rules, and, sadly, discredit any credibility i may still have. if any.


I think I'll just go headbutt a wall.
to both: why? besides what Reneer said about "intersixed".

based on his username. He, like me, has been taught machismo :D
eh, the what? i am pretty sure i don't get the whole meaning of the word, or what you may mean. i guess it means that i am excessively proud to be a man? or taught to be a male supremacist? i don't get it. i am neither of those though, i just have more defined definitions of male and female than you guys... or so it seems, i don't know.

There's nothing "macho" about "Manuel". In fact, it is a name that ultimately means Well, for some that may be "macho" I suppose, but definitely not in the common sense.

What is wrong with "Manuel"? that's not my username though, that's the screen name, i picked a screen name different from my username.
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louise tagg
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 1:00 pm

You are assuming that I would end a friendship based on their gender changing or lifestyle change. It would have nothing to do with that, but with deceiving me and lying to me for years and pretending they are someone they are not.. If you will read my post again, you will see that I said age has a lot to do with it, and at MY age, 45, if a friend were to come to me and tell me something like this, I would end the friendship. NOT based on their choice but based on their decision to lie and deceive me for years. That is not selfish, that is me deciding that I don't like being lied to and deceived by so-called "friends." If they don't feel enough freindship to tell me long before now, then there wasn't much there to begin with. I don't lead a double life, and don't like when people do. I had husbands who did that very thing, and it's not fun to go through. If they can't be honest with me, like I am honest with them, then I don't need those people in my life. That's my choice, not selfishness.

And you're completely certain that there's absolutely no way that (s)he could have figured out that (s)he should be a male/female instead of female/male only this late in his/her life? Such things happen as well. To dismiss that possibility is plainly closed-minded.

Frankly though, I don't think that you indeed would dismiss that possibility but instead would just pretend that you do and would use the "being lied to/deceived" thing as an excuse to avoid a situation which is too uncomfortable and/or unpleasant for you. And do you know what that is? Deceit.

So if you indeed do dismiss the possibility that someone might realise fairly late in his/her life that their physical gender does not match his/her mental gender, you're a closed-minded bigot. If you don't dismiss that possibility but would end the friendship on those grounds anyway, you're doing exactly what you claim the person in question did which caused you to end the friendship with him/her.

Take your pick.
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 11:41 am

And you're completely certain that there's absolutely no way that (s)he could have figured out that (s)he should be a male/female instead of female/male only this late in his/her life? Such things happen as well. To dismiss that possibility is plainly closed-minded.

Frankly though, I don't think that you indeed would dismiss that possibility but instead would just pretend that you do and would use the "being lied to/deceived" thing as an excuse to avoid a situation which is too uncomfortable and/or unpleasant for you. And do you know what that is? Deceit.

So if you indeed do dismiss the possibility that someone might realise fairly late in his/her life that their physical gender does not match his/her mental gender, you're a closed-minded bigot. If you don't dismiss that possibility but would end the friendship on those grounds anyway, you're doing exactly what you claim the person in question did which caused you to end the friendship with him/her.

Take your pick.

Call me what names you must, if not liking being lied to and deceived by friends makes me a bigot, then I'm a [censored] bigot. OH WELL.
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Elizabeth Davis
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 10:35 am

This is getting a bit personal in attacks. I'll see if I can salvage it when I catch up a bit. We'll see.

It's full so won't reopen. I may have to delete a few and warn a few but either way, closed for post count and don't start another.
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