So, you are officially contradicting yourself here. "PEOPLE CAN CHANGE". You said it just now. But earlier in the thread, you've said that most transgender people are born that way. You can't have it both ways. Either born with it, or you choose to be. If they are born with it, then they've been hiding it from their friend, and their friendship is possibly built on a lie, which is unacceptable(see my above posts about how if you're best/close friends with someone, you should have no issue telling them everything about yourself). If you can change, then the OP has every right to be unsettled by this "Choice", because they didn't see it coming, and it does change their relationship on a fundamental level.
I'm sorry, was I referring to people being transgender when I said that? No? Oh. Well then.
I was referring to your point that people hide behaviors. People come to terms with their own behaviors and their own view of self-worth - thus,
people change. They don't become transgender - they
come to terms with being transgender. Thus, increased self-worth, usually. Thus, the person changed.
And, again, people don't always know they are transgender or gay or straight the moment they are born. It takes years and years to first realize these things about yourself and then even more time to come to terms with it so that you can tell everyone else you know and love.
Still, I fail to see why I'm "jaded". Lol. because I can tell someone I've known for a long time and care about everything? How is that jaded?
I was referring to your point about: if you hide being a woman, you are hiding lots of other stuff too. Jaded might not have been the best word to use, but it fits in my mind.
Also, please, you really need to take the OPs feelings into account as well(as my first post was about). This is every bit as hard for the OP as it is for his friend. The friend has at least had the benefit of knowing about this for some time, and has had time to prepare to come out to OP and others. On the other hand, the OP has NOT had time to prepare for this. This is, obviously, quite the surprise for them. They need time to re-adjust and re-evaluate everything that is happening. At least they are trying to be supportive and trying to understand. That's more then people would do. At least give him some credit and stop being quite so harsh and judgemental of them(which you accuse them of being).
I am being judgmental of the OP because they have this view that their friend lied to them for 12+ years, which is decidedly not the case. That their friend created a facade and kept it going for 12 years is pretty much ridiculous. The OP has likewise admitted to being bigoted on the entire matter. So, yes, I'm being somewhat judgmental.
Yeah, It's called getting a barely 17 year old girl pregnant and I didn't even have a job. I had to tell my parents, which I was very scared to do, but I still did it. And I did it right away, because they had a right to know. There are other things, but seeing as how this is a forum of people whom I like, but don't know on a personal level enough, I'm not willing to share. I've never shied away from telling the truth, no matter how [censored] it makes me look.
Both situations - getting a girl pregnant and coming out as transgendered - need to be handled with finesse, certainly, but you are comparing apples to oranges here.