» Wed Jun 29, 2011 5:57 pm
Warning, may have ranting. May poke fun out of those who want their game remade. Dares to embrace the new.
Yes, I am an optimist. I'm not getting up from a circle of fellow optimists, making a confession and starting my twelve steps to recovery.I like being an optimist.
I've played computer games for three decades, so I'm not one of these tea bagging fps-junkie kids that Beth is apparently catering for. I played 1st ed. D and D, Runequest, Traveller, back in the day, and Call of Cthulu, Stormbringer, WFRP, Role master, hell, even Paranoia later so I know what defines an rpg and a crpg ( and that definition seems to be getting narrower, oh no! Change is coming, build a stockade around my genre, and act all elite when any attempt is made to appeal to,oh the horror, new gamers ).
And do you know what. I like what I am hearing, most of it anyway. Stuff like armour slots is just details, you can't stick 20 slots on a character and say the game is more complex, it is the same game with more armour slots. Less armour slots is not dumbing down, it is the same game with less armour slots, in fact rpgs started with armour class, slots is being spoiled imho. Think about it for a second, less slots is less enchanting which is a harder game.
Initial classes? You hear a lot about advantages and disadvantages. Daggerfall had disadantages if you wanted them, but since then thin and few on the ground. In OB Altmer, and three of the birthsigns, had disadvantages, classes only boosted.
Spellmaking. Tricky one. See why people are upset, but I play mages, and I can see the improvement to the game that the different methods of casting will bring.
Anyway, I am glad they are trying something new, rather than pandering to the cries of entitlement from those wonderful enough to be able to sit on their arses and play computer games which have more numbers. If a game from the past is so wonderful, go play it, but don't expect it to be remade. That would make life a bit duller.
Anyway, I am going to play this game, with my unique endgame character, without having to deliberately gimp the build to get a challenge, while still being allowed to pick a few locks with a fighter, and able to change spell on the fly, and select a bunch of perks that define my character, rather than a class which is there to be ignored.