» Fri Jun 24, 2011 5:10 am
"A lot of these changes have got me worried. I don't like where Skyrim is going."
I'm nearly certain now that the main focus in creating Skyrim has been on combat, and on streamlining the rest of the game around combat.
No initial character build . . . no inherent character strengths and weakness, Every player will just be a warrior/mage/thief . . . with real no character limitations. That's a HUGE issue for me.
And the presence of Oblivion's Fast Travel, and of the Fast Level (along with the rapid skill advancing Perk rewards) leads me to believe that the game is more focused on fast paced gameplay than on in-depth gameplay.
After having some of my biggest fears confirmed (by what was shown at E3), I'm predicting that it is going to take a LOT of mods to make Skyrim an enjoyable RPG for me.