funny and true story; actually was pregnant at the end of January/ beginning of February, but I miscarried.... no joke, and he would have been born late October or early November. But not going though that again for a while... a long while so I think I will have to sit this "quest" out. Maybe for TES VI......

how is that funny in any way?
i dont think i've ever seen a mother LAUGH about something like that... the hell?
i mean, im pretty sick, twisted, and heavily demented... but i didnt think anyone else was that screwed up.
anyway... enough of that, is this whole thing a joke on bethesda's part? giving their games away free to a single person might not damage their profits THAT badly, its hardly much compared to the millions they'll sell to every time.
though, is "dovahkiin" really even a name? i thought it was a title... dragon language for "dragonborn"?
well, if its all real, good luck to whatever future person gets named "dovahkiin", its an awesome name, either way.