This whole discussion is way older than fallout 3, at this point i just find it confusing the longer it trods on.
Fallout 3's 200 year jump without cultural and technological advancement is nothing against the american (non native, mind you) anolphabetic mysticism practicing tribes that had formed/de-evolved from the fo1 lone wanderer's heritage at the start of fo2.
The introduction of androids in fo3 was only a small step after the intoduction of sentient independant movable robots in fo2, not to forget the talking death claw.
Not to mention that i see no problem finding pre-war food 200 years after the war, when i already found some 80 years after the war.
So yes, tell me how coherent and more well thought out the fallout universe was, before bethesda touched it

Also, the people claiming fallout 1 and 2 had dark gritty humor unlike the bethesda games, were probably laughing more at the vault dwellers getting minigunned in the original intros, instead of laughing at the vault tech/pip boy safety instructions. Shame on you!