What really interested me was he told us chronilogically where the game takes place, exactly 200 years after the bomb dropped? So is it the same year of fallout 3?
Thanks for the link mate added it to my thread.
I'm not up to any point where they've mentioned how long its been since the bombs fell but my personal assumption is its later 2077 or within a couple of years after which would explain the BOS if they appear.
Is anyone else suspicious of his body posture when they ask about people from the previous game so going to be people from F3.
They keep being really dodgy about the 200 years things. When asked about whether or not we will see old characters he gave this silly shrug. To me that seems to suggest there will definitely be older characters and it is probably several years after Fallout 3. Even the interviewers seemed to assume the 200 years was just a generalization.
As Todd said they aren't giving any story details out so perhaps the year the game takes place is important to the story.
I keep saying Fallout 4 is 200 years after the nuclear bombs dropped.
It could mean the difference between Lyons Brotherhood or MWBoS, but I don't get the whole being dodgy about the date. Everything has said 200 years afterwards, so it would just be weird for it to be a ballpark answer.
I hope you're right on this, I think in many ways the game taking place same time or just before 3 would be a cop-out. at least to me.
Still I dont get why they wouldnt just go "Game takes sometime after three, we aren't revealing any story details."
It's possible the story jumps into the future by a few months, or even several years at certain parts of the storyline chapter. Kinda like Ezio's storyline in AC2.
This would largely explain why he's hesitant on explaining whether we'll meet character's from Fo3.
I would think it's immediately after the major events of Fallout 3. If so, I'm guessing we will more than likely see Dr. Li if that is the case.
That's what seems most likely and what I'm hoping for.
It's definitely not going to be exactly 200 years. Bethesda has said in the past that they only go forward in the timeline - hence why Obsidian couldn't set New Vegas between Fallout 2 and 3 as they originally wanted. New Vegas begins in late 2281, so Fallout 4 would have to begin after that game ends. I imagine late 2282 the earliest, but I'd wager it's going to be much later than that. I wouldn't be surprised if it takes place in the 2290s.
Same year, that means BOS isn't Lyons Group unless it's a faction that was with Lyons at the Pitt and then split off. Still Hoping it's Midwest BOS as well.
Me too, and It will be interesting to see if there was more of a connection between her and Dr. Zimmer. If he was just "Looking for an escaped android" you would think he would send people out to look. Not take on the task personally.
Hopefully there's a few references to the Lone Wanderer. That's always something that I've loved about the Fallout series - the references to past characters you played, and being reminded that you were actually a legend in the wastes. It hasn't really happened in the last two games (as far as I can recall) so there's a unique opportunity for Bethesda to do so here through dialogue with Dr. Li (and potentially others).
lol.. yeah. That would be cool. Too bad we couldn't respond with "Hey! That was me! I was there"!
Well if it's set 20 years after FO3 Moria Brown is suppose to have a book written about the LW.
Now that would be a good twist! In fact, I'd like something like that to happen in a later game even if not this one.
I don't know if this is accurate at all, but I read somewhere that Fallout 4 takes place approximately 4 years after the events of Fallout 3. I think that would be a good place to start the game.
I'm currently working on a fairly in-depth theory as we speak to do with the storyline. I actually think that there are several dates involved that have a direct link to the events of Fallout 3 and New Vegas. As for the main thread of the story? My guess is that when our protagonist leaves the vault, as seen in gameplay footage, it will be 2284 - 3 years after New Vegas.
I'd rather the 200 years later idea be what the characters in the game believe but later it turns out that it is much longer than 200 years like how the Matrix movies operated on the assumption that they were in the 21st century and later it was reveal to be hundreds of years past that point.