» Tue May 03, 2011 1:58 am
Someone mind answering...?
I was told that on Thursday night in the U.S the coverage on skyrim that comes on, on GTTV. But, i looked at the schedule on SpikeTV.com, and it says it doesn't come on until early Friday morning (1:00AM specifically), so is that the real time it's actually going to come on??
I really don't want to stay up until 1AM.
I tried to watch last GTTV's episode on my computer but the video player on their site is just so laggy for me, i really hope someone posts the live coverage on youtube as well... My computer can handle any resolution at 720P and under, anything higher may make it lag, and the resolution on the video player was in bad quality, i even tried to pause to buffer and it was still very laggy :brokencomputer: