» Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:04 am
There are many reasons why you want to host your own MP Session.
- Testing purpose
- Setting up passworded game for "Friends only" / "Clan"
- Having bad ping/connection to aviable server due to region or ISP issues
- Limit player
- Blocking out douchebags
- Own Map rotation
- Custom Maps
- Custom Game Settings
- Modifications
- Because the official server have problems
- more
Most of those issues you can solve with a hosted server.
Sure you should be able to customize and mod the UNRANKED server to your hearts content.
Bad ping to officially hosted servers might be a problem for some, but the better solution would be to ask for better host support in your area!
Mostly your request is COMPLETELY INVALID!
And yet again you come and claim that our requests are invalid while failing to dismiss them with valid reasons yourself. Every other PC shooter gives the player the option to host their own damn games, this isn't some unprecedented new feature we're asking for so stop saying "your request is invalid", heck even Monday Night Combat which was a budget multiplayer title came with fully customizable MP and public dedicated server support.
Now you tell me, is it unreasonable to ask that a AAA shooter such as Crysis 2 have MP features which are found in the majority of shooters and were available in it's predecessor?