Petition to be able hosting our OWN MP sessions

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:07 am


I'm afraid PC gamer's will probably have to learn to live with pay2play dedicated servers.

PC gamers are used to being able to run their own servers, mod games and create and play new levels without having to pay for the privilege, but the cost of developing AAA games is now so high that gaming companies demand the ability to monetize their products as much as possible, so gradually these features are either being removed completely or replaced with commercial alternatives.

There will still be a few companies that hold out to the ideals that made PC gaming great but baring a collapse in the console market (and while I won't completely rule that out right now due to the spiralling cost of game development, I think it's unlikely in the short term) these kind of limitations on PC versions will become nearly ubiquitous.

What a load of bunk. We payed for the game. If we (PC players) have the ability to make our own dedicated servers then we maintain the servers, administrate them, hell even people develop maps for them, they don't do a damn thing to support it, no reason to PAY them for what they don't do work on, that was already done when we bought the game
It's not a case of covering costs its a case of pure greed and borderline egomania. If they would put out better quality of game more would be inclined with payed a little extra. However Crysis 2 is a good example of them not giving a damn and expecting us to just pay them for whatever they put in front of us.
As for me I won't give them a damn dime for DLC for this game. They screwed us on with this game, they lied and sold us a f*cking beta. I would gladly return this damn thing for a refund if i could. You can only produce so much crap product before you fall.
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Sunnii Bebiieh
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:47 am

I'm afraid PC gamer's will probably have to learn to live with pay2play dedicated servers.

PC gamers are used to being able to run their own servers, mod games and create and play new levels without having to pay for the privilege, but the cost of developing AAA games is now so high that gaming companies demand the ability to monetize their products as much as possible, so gradually these features are either being removed completely or replaced with commercial alternatives.

There will still be a few companies that hold out to the ideals that made PC gaming great but baring a collapse in the console market (and while I won't completely rule that out right now due to the spiralling cost of game development, I think it's unlikely in the short term) these kind of limitations on PC versions will become nearly ubiquitous.

Pay-to-Play would only make sense in an MMO... And they actually manage their servers, ban cheaters and hackers... Not being able to host a server is one thing, but making us pay for unreliable high-ping servers when we already paid for a buggy game? I'm sure maybe some people would consider paying, but seriously, I don't know a single multiplayer game that won't let you host... heck, even Modern Warfare 2 had private matches even if it didn't have dedicated servers..
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:36 am

You may not like it, I may not like it, but this is how the PC gaming world is going and right now I don't think any of us know how to stop it.

There are definitely a number of gamers who will be voting with their wallets and not buying DLC upgrades or even the game in the first place if it doesn't allow dedicated servers, user created maps & mods etc but the fact that the COD:BO map pack topped the Steam sales chart last week suggests that there also a substantial number of gamers who are willing to go along with the idea of charging for servers & content (and in purely economic terms as long as the extra amount that the second group pay for DLC & extras is more than the lost sales from the first group it makes absolute sense for the companies to keep doing it).

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Josh Trembly
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:36 am

WTF, it's P2P or hosted dedicated servers, i'm glad it's dedicated even if hosted, stop crying.

If you want to host your own MP session, go together with some ppl and rent a server!

What if you don't plan on playing MP 24/7? before spouting nonsense try to at least produce a respectable justification. I'm not asking that they release the dedicated server files (cause i know that the possibility is very low) but we can't even host a listen server! Is that too much to ask? paying around 60$ for game isn't enough to earn us the right to play multiplayer games as we, the buyers, see fit?
Everyone want's to play Ranked, and the is NO WAY to protect ranks if you can run a ranked listen server.


Go together with some friend and rent a server and put a password on it and you can do whatever the **** you want on it?
Unranked servers are probably cheaper then ranked.

Could there be unranked listen server without ruining the game? sure, but it wont be used for much.
There are far more important issues at hand.

People signing this thread are not even sure what they are signing, some want dedicated servers, some want listen servers, ranked servers cant be protected and will NEVER be released. Half the signed probably think they can get that or that they can get people on a unranked server, which they CANT.

Since the introduction of ranked gameplay the unranked modding community has been completely ****, nobody wants to join a modded unranked server if they can't level up or use their customized classes.

You people are not on the same page or thinking about what it is your asking for.
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Lynette Wilson
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:11 am

This is why they need to bring back Power Struggle... You rank up within the game based on how useful you are to your team. Sure it all gets lost after the match is over, would still be more fun than playing CoD with nanosuits

Edit: Or even a Power Struggle match that you rank up in-game, then after the match is over, you score gets you exp for your overall rank.

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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:05 pm

Count me in.
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Penny Flame
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:22 am

++ custom servers please. I mean cmon Crytek this is the PC owe us! :)
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:25 pm

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kristy dunn
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:59 am

WTF, it's P2P or hosted dedicated servers, i'm glad it's dedicated even if hosted, stop crying.

If you want to host your own MP session, go together with some ppl and rent a server!

What if you don't plan on playing MP 24/7? before spouting nonsense try to at least produce a respectable justification. I'm not asking that they release the dedicated server files (cause i know that the possibility is very low) but we can't even host a listen server! Is that too much to ask? paying around 60$ for game isn't enough to earn us the right to play multiplayer games as we, the buyers, see fit?
Everyone want's to play Ranked, and the is NO WAY to protect ranks if you can run a ranked listen server.


Go together with some friend and rent a server and put a password on it and you can do whatever the **** you want on it?
Unranked servers are probably cheaper then ranked.

Could there be unranked listen server without ruining the game? sure, but it wont be used for much.
There are far more important issues at hand.

People signing this thread are not even sure what they are signing, some want dedicated servers, some want listen servers, ranked servers cant be protected and will NEVER be released. Half the signed probably think they can get that or that they can get people on a unranked server, which they CANT.

Since the introduction of ranked gameplay the unranked modding community has been completely ****, nobody wants to join a modded unranked server if they can't level up or use their customized classes.

You people are not on the same page or thinking about what it is your asking for.

You are completely clueless. How does hosting a private match (listen server or dedicated) impede ranking? I'm not going to dive into the technical aspects but you should go and play COD 4 on the PC, not only did it come with dedicated servers but you would continue to gain ranks even in your own privately hosted servers and your claim that unranked sessions can't be protected is so utterly baseless I don't know where you got it from.

So like i said in my previous post please refrain from spouting nonsense and the next time you bother yourself to post something write it in a manner which doesn't end up giving others headaches. And if it's the leaderboards your worried about the solution is simple, don't include user hosted server data in it.

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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:26 am

i'm in.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:52 am

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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:19 am

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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:51 am

Signed ! Something similar to left 4 dead would be great !even if the servers are local .
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:12 pm

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Patrick Gordon
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:25 pm

You are completely clueless. How does hosting a private match (listen server or dedicated) impede ranking? I'm not going to dive into the technical aspects but you should go and play COD 4 on the PC, not only did it come with dedicated servers but you would continue to gain ranks even in your own privately hosted servers and your claim that unranked sessions can't be protected is so utterly baseless I don't know where you got it from.

So like i said in my previous post please refrain from spouting nonsense and the next time you bother yourself to post something write it in a manner which doesn't end up giving others headaches. And if it's the leaderboards your worried about the solution is simple, don't include user hosted server data in it.

QFT, so very true. Screw this leaderboard crap. It is a bit rediculous when they don't do any kind of managing \ administration to pay them for the "rights". I'd say paying them 60 bucks to beta test thier game is rights enough and you can have your leveled up stuff easy on a dedicated server host by community players.
I've had more fun with games like, Tribes and Tribes 2 (may they RIP), TF and Old TF2, Killing floor (its co-op but still FUN), Battlefield 2. I don't have to pay to make a server for those games.
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Gen Daley
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:36 am

i read somewhere on the web that the recently "leaked" beta already has the executable for the dedicated server. dont have the source anymore though.

so i guess its jsut a matter of time that crytek will release the tools officially.

im not completely against the current lobby system. actually i find it comfortable, IF it would work properly...
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:26 pm

WTF, it's P2P or hosted dedicated servers, i'm glad it's dedicated even if hosted, stop crying.

If you want to host your own MP session, go together with some ppl and rent a server!

What if you don't plan on playing MP 24/7? before spouting nonsense try to at least produce a respectable justification. I'm not asking that they release the dedicated server files (cause i know that the possibility is very low) but we can't even host a listen server! Is that too much to ask? paying around 60$ for game isn't enough to earn us the right to play multiplayer games as we, the buyers, see fit?
Everyone want's to play Ranked, and the is NO WAY to protect ranks if you can run a ranked listen server.


Go together with some friend and rent a server and put a password on it and you can do whatever the **** you want on it?
Unranked servers are probably cheaper then ranked.

Could there be unranked listen server without ruining the game? sure, but it wont be used for much.
There are far more important issues at hand.

People signing this thread are not even sure what they are signing, some want dedicated servers, some want listen servers, ranked servers cant be protected and will NEVER be released. Half the signed probably think they can get that or that they can get people on a unranked server, which they CANT.

Since the introduction of ranked gameplay the unranked modding community has been completely ****, nobody wants to join a modded unranked server if they can't level up or use their customized classes.

You people are not on the same page or thinking about what it is your asking for.
Except there are loads of unranked servers where people already play on, please refrain from posting because you only make yourself look like a retard.
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:41 pm

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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 8:43 pm

Signed. I hope that crytek will soon open their eyes again.
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:17 pm

Homefront will offer public server files soon and they will be ranked for everyone.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:45 am

signed!! i hope that this console porting **** will stop.....
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:13 pm

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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:44 pm

Bump, please sticky this thread as well as the other petitions for others to see!

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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:01 am

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Izzy Coleman
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:08 pm

Signed, a good solution to the broken servers at the moment. I can't even pick a team. How am I supposed to play with my friends if we are constantly broken up by this random team picking nonsense?
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