Petition for Cheaters to get Banned

Post » Wed Jul 18, 2012 6:51 pm

Today i was unable to play or to enjoy a good game at all.
Because Cheaters.. Offensive Cheaters like aucito1123 or these Guys with the Weird letters & signs in her names which a most times are not to kick..

So i was thinkin about to start a petition, to finally put "crytek's stupid nose into this ****..

if everyone who plays this game would Sign this, maybe Crytek would do atlast something

what i want from Crytek is that these Players get IP banned via there Internetservice Providers i know this is possible there is no need off with glib excuses anymore ...

i Start
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Post » Wed Jul 18, 2012 11:54 pm

we've tried that before.

You can see how well it worked.
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Post » Wed Jul 18, 2012 9:34 pm

Oh not you again...

A "petition" is typically done on something that is up for debate to gather the votes/support of people on the issue. Cheaters needing to be banned is NOT a topic up for debate, it's a cold hard fact. Crytek know it and so do the players. Even the cheaters know it. No petition is needed to "convince" Crytek to ban cheaters.

Crytek simply don't have the money/resources to deal with multiplayer issues with Crysis 2. Neither do they have the money/resources to implement a proper anti-cheat. Cry-Tom indirectly told us that no more patches will be released for this game, the process is too long and costly. It means the game will stay like this forever.

Managing and sustaining multiplayer beyond a certain point wasn't part of Crytek's contract with EA.

^ Try to understand what the above means.

All we can do is hope that EA allows Crytek more room for managing/sustaining multiplayer in Crysis 3. If they don't, C3 multiplayer will end up in the EXACT same situation as C2 multiplayer.

Unlike Battlefield 3, the Crysis series was never marketed as a game aimed at multiplayer, it was always about the graphics, the singleplayer campaign and the stories of Nomad/Psycho/Prophet. That's how the gaming industry has seen this game.
BF3 meanwhile was pretty much marketed ground-up about multiplayer. In fact a ton of players haven't even touched more than 5 minutes of the BF3 campaign and dived straight into the multiplayer - can the same be said for Crysis 2? Hell no. 99.9% people bought C2 to play singleplayer, Crytek and EA knew this. Even I've finished C2's campaign (just once).

Does Crysis as a game have an INSANE multiplayer potential? HECK YES! C2 multiplayer is more fun than any other MP shooter I've ever played, period. It's also the most broken/glitchy/hacker-infested MP shooter I've played, but that was due to Crytek/EA underestimating it's potential.

Lets hope they wake up for C3. Multiplayer is what makes a game LAST, multiplayer allows you to keep people hooked on to hone their skills, multiplayer allows EA to employ their DLC scheme - as much as everyone hates it, it's a reason to keep multiplayer & anti-cheat sustained. BF3 has been an excellent example of this.

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Post » Wed Jul 18, 2012 4:59 pm

Oh come on, cheaters can help you be better in game... for example: speedhackers can train your aiming, taghackers train your fast reaction and surviving surprise attack, aimboters train your situation awareness (avoiding being visible to them), masskillers... well, masskillers train you how to fast votekick or leave the server.

Once you get in Crysis3 with that knowledge, you should be unstoppable!
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Post » Wed Jul 18, 2012 12:25 pm

^ Oh you :P
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