Okay gang, Bethesda is just like all of the other companies. It is all about numbers. So, let's show them some numbers. A lot of people keep asking even though they announced no more DLCs a couple of weeks ago. So a poll goes up. Have at it folks.
Okay gang, Bethesda is just like all of the other companies. It is all about numbers. So, let's show them some numbers. A lot of people keep asking even though they announced no more DLCs a couple of weeks ago. So a poll goes up. Have at it folks.
I can't vote yes... I am lactose Intolerant...
You know what loose end I want to see tied up? I want a dialogue option to tell Nazeem "Yeah, I go to the Cloud District OFTEN." And then a "[Punch Nazeem in the face]" option after that.
I have moved on.
Quite right I'll have to edit the title then. Thanks for the remind.
he said "cheese steak" in the poll... it was... you know... a joke......
I will go back into my corner now...
*Grabs a beer and enters the shadows*
Well I do not know how to edit a post title, so I leave it up to the Mods to change it or shut the thread down. Sorry guys, but yeah this is just for fun.
Basically report your OP and request that a mod change the title.
Kind of like what Tricky said, when I buy a game I just accept it as done (in terms of the story; bugs notwithstanding), and any DLC are extras, not "finishing" the game. It's not as though Skyrim doesn't offer a ton of stuff to do already.
Personally I would feel really angry if Bethesda came out with a DLC that "tied up the loose ends" and made me pay $20 more to finish the story of the game.
Okay I fired off a report to the Mods requesting to change the title of the post.
I don't agree with the last part of what you wrote. I do not see the DLCs as being used as being abused as a grab for money as they are purposely inexpensive and completely optional. As long as they put out quality material then people will buy them. Also when a game is left unfinished, I think that is why it is difficult for a lot of people to move on.
Skyrim has an end. Once the main quest is over the rest is just fluff. There aren't really any more "loose ends" in Skyrim than there were in the previous titles.
20€ is inexpensive? I have bought the main game for 40€ at release! So I disagree with you on that one.
And I was not talking about how Bethesda handles their DLC because they do it perfectly. They release big and meaty ones which add a lot of content to the game.
I was talking about other well-known companies *cough* EA *cough* who release cut parts of the game as Day 1 DLC or want 15€ for a 3 hour story which is also an important story part.
Skyrim has an end. Once the main quest is over the rest is just fluff. There aren't really any more "loose ends" in Skyrim than there were in the previous titles.
And also this