When will the gaming community understand this....petitions are never the answer! >_> Almost always they fail and actually make the developers upset that their fanbase couldn't be patient and wait for a reason as to why something happened in the game or whether or not that missing feature will be incorporated.
You want it back? Ask for it like a kind human being on the forums. Ask for it a lot, try making the thread a sticky....that's how you properly grab attention and get **** fixed.
I was messing with console commands earlier, and a lot of them have no effect at all in the game... Like they are locked, or hard-coded. Geez, I hope not.
I know the game hasnt beed out for long but im not finding any comments or feedback from these guys anywher! Just a few lines of ya guys we here you and we are working on it, expect such and such a delay would stop most of our .......agressive frustration lol
I liked console! Console servers.... changing your name in game.... Console was awesome. Now you have to pay to have your own server... that's just messed up. We talking about the same thing? Or are you talking about the lack of console commands? The ~` works somewhat... but idk
I sign for the console, but mostly I sign because I want to play .... Crytec move your ass the money they've already taken now make a patch that works maybe? idiots