Petition: Remove air stomp as a perk

Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 2:35 am

The improved slide duration and swim speed is a poor idea. Sliding doesn't need a longer duration, and swimming is limited to 2 maps, one of which only has water at the edges.

Leave air stomp as it is; People didn't invest their time in it to have it changed. Especially considering it's not imbalanced as it is. The whole point is you get a kill option by foregoing some of the more consistently useful abilities. If you're not willing to do that, then it's hardly the problem of people who are.

No one said it's imbalanced, what we are saying is that it's impractical, imagine that you need this "Ninja" stealth module to stealth kill, that'll be awful. And yes, there are times (rare) that Air Stomp is really the most efficient course of action, but taking a whole perk slot for this situational perk is a no. Right now, AS is almost Crash Site exclusive, situational, and map dependent(height).

If it's available to everyone, we wouldn't have the need to choose this module every spawn to just use it on this one perfect AS moment, and the AS fans can still have their Air Stomp enhanced to play Mario with.

I don't get why you keep saying that people are gonna rage if we just transfer the points on Air Stomp into Air Stomp Enhance though, it'll be the same thing, just better. AND maxed if you already have AS maxed. Then we are all happy.

The Suit Friction suggestion needs a bit more work. May I advice a "Momentum Increase" in one of the Air Stomp Enhance levels?

The balancing point was more along the lines of it not being imbalanced, so it doesn't need to be rpovided to everyone..

It pretty much sounds like you want to use Air Stomp, but you don't want to make the sacrifice.. So don't use it! The whole point of putting it as a perk is so that you have to CHOOSE the benefit you get. If you're not willing to sacrifice energy transfer for it, then don't.

And Air stomp enhance? Really? It's an awful idea. Increasing the damage of Air Stomp would make no practical difference whatsoever, unless it got to the point where you could kill from a power jump, which is currently the only jump you can't get an airstomp kill from (this would not work).

As I have already said, the swimming/slide idea is also awful.
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 3:32 pm

qualquno sa dove trovare le chiavi dei veicoli
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Chris Jones
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 4:53 am

qualquno sa dove trovare le chiavi dei veicoli
This thread is not about vehicle keys.. Please stay on topic and type in English.
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Ellie English
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 1:21 am

I like Air Stomp. I keep it equipped on my main class because I like the option of being able to use it (and I damn well know if I ever took it off, suddenly the opportunities would arise) and if this petition went through, I'd be a happy bunny because it'd mean I can still use it and another module. I wouldn't miss it as a module because simply put, I don't kill with it often enough to feel like I'll ever get the Upgrades. So if the whole 'Air Stomp Enhance' idea was enabled, I'd probably still try use Air Stomp when I can but not bother with ASE. But that's all personal preference.

I vote Yes because it is too circumstancial to get your module's worth out of and I would be delighted to both be able to Air Stomp and have another module.
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 10:41 am

Air Stomp is useless, anyways. I've killed many players who air stomp just because you're vulnerable for so long after you hit the ground.
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Dorian Cozens
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 1:36 pm

It's clearly not useless. I average about 3-5 kills a match with it at the moment playing Run n Gun and still have a positive K/D (1.23 at the time of typing this). If you don't want to put the time in to learn how to use it, or more importantly WHEN to use it, then don't use it!

This is no different to me saying 'I want to be able to use any 2 perks, so I'll start a petition to have one of them made into a general move.' In fact, I've always liked proximity alarm, but energy transfer is more useful to me...

I know! I'll start a petition that everyone should get proximity alarm because energy transfer is more useful! That way I can have BOTH benefits without any sacrifice... YAAAAAAY :D
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Amber Hubbard
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 3:50 pm

MMAMickey give up. Air stomp would be better if everyone had it. And im Nick Diaz, so if you know anything about MMA then you will listen to me.

LOL, no.
It wouldn't be 'better' at all, it would be exactly the same; except now people who didn't put the time into levelling the move will have access to it, which is quite frankly bollocks. Of the people who have actually levelled it, I doubt many of them would be happy with having the advantages they earned being replaced by 'increased swim speed' or other crappy consolation prizes.

Bottom line, I seriously doubt it'll happen. For starters, there's a few hundred people voted out of the few hundred thousand who bought the game. Secondly, you only have 2 thirds of the vote in favour of the petition. That is nowhere near the unanimity required for such a big gameplay change/redesign.
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Matthew Barrows
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 2:47 pm

MMAMickey give up. Air stomp would be better if everyone had it. And im Nick Diaz, so if you know anything about MMA then you will listen to me.

LOL, no.
It wouldn't be 'better' at all, it would be exactly the same; except now people who didn't put the time into levelling the move will have access to it, which is quite frankly bollocks. Of the people who have actually levelled it, I doubt many of them would be happy with having the advantages they earned being replaced by 'increased swim speed' or other crappy consolation prizes.

Bottom line, I seriously doubt it'll happen. For starters, there's a few hundred people voted out of the few hundred thousand who bought the game. Secondly, you only have 2 thirds of the vote in favour of the petition. That is nowhere near the unanimity required for such a big gameplay change/redesign.

"If it's available to everyone, we wouldn't have the need to choose this module every spawn to just use it on this one perfect AS moment, and the AS fans can still have their Air Stomp enhanced to play Mario with.

I don't get why you keep saying that people are gonna rage if we just transfer the points on Air Stomp into Air Stomp Enhance though, it'll be the same thing, just better. AND maxed if you already have AS maxed. Then we are all happy."

No, because people who maxed AS wouldn't have done so if Air Stomp were available to everyone - therefore you've wasted hours of their gameplay time and caused them to possibly have things like a lower K/D associated with the learning curve that preceeds efficient use. It's little different to resetting people's stats in that regard, you'd be undermining the time and effort they'd put in.

Something along those lines would work a treat bro. And those votes would be pretty acurate if you upscaled them to everyone who playes as i hear everone say this.... Listen to me bro. Im Nick Diaz..... I do play games in my spare time uno.
I don't care who you are/say you are, it doesn't make you right. And you don't hear 'everyone' say anything.

A gameplay change like this should be unanimous, or close to it. 2/3 of a vote of a very small sample of the community is simply not enough.
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Bereket Fekadu
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 4:11 pm

You need to chill out man, justy except what the majority of people think and wan't and would also make better. dude, im nick diaz. im from stockholm, im fightin paul daley soon you should listen to someone like me if you call yourself MMAMickey.....

1) 'better' is a highly subjective term. If I think you're wrong (which I do) then I'm not about to go ahead and accept that the opposite opinion would make the game better. The reasons I posted stand for themselves, and I doubt Crytek would effectively reset people's progress by changing it now.

2) I don't think you are who you say you are, and even if you were; so what? Just because I enjoy the sport of MMA I should take the opinions of people who profess to be pros in that sport as Gold? Good luck with that logic.
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 12:44 am

You need to chill out man, justy except what the majority of people think and wan't and would also make better. dude, im nick diaz. im from stockholm, im fightin paul daley soon you should listen to someone like me if you call yourself MMAMickey.....

1) 'better' is a highly subjective term. If I think you're wrong (which I do) then I'm not about to go ahead and accept that the opposite opinion would make the game better. The reasons I posted stand for themselves, and I doubt Crytek would effectively reset people's progress by changing it now.

2) I don't think you are who you say you are, and even if you were; so what? Just because I enjoy the sport of MMA I should take the opinions of people who profess to be pros in that sport as Gold? Good luck with that logic.

164 over just 70 or w/e people dissagree with you, times that by the people who play this game should be about right. Its your opinion, but incording to everyone your opinion is rong.....
Clearly not. That does not mean that 'everyone' thinks I'm wrong, what it means is THE MAJORITY think I'm wrong/want to use air stomp wthout the sacrifice. But still an insufficient majority to warrant such a large gameplay change.

I dont expect you think i am who i am doesn't matter to me dude. Im nothing really Im just saying from experience chill out your trying to argue against the tide nothing you say is goingto change anything here is it.... And if it weren't for people like me. MMA wouldn't be what it is today and you would still be in the old times when it was underground and not all commercialized so you wouldn't get to see this sport on TV if it weren't forpeople like me dude. Chill your beans man, its a game whats to worry.
Not only is all this crap irrelevant, but I'll have you know my 'beans' are perfectly chilled. Funnily enough people don't have to be raging to argue.

and if you're going to say 'its a game whats to worry' then why are we even having this conversation? If you didn't care you wouldn't have posted.

EDIT: plus, the whole 'it would probably be the same if we scaled it up' argument doesn't hold water. It is pure speculation.
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James Rhead
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 7:32 am

The majority comapared to the minority is a hell of allot on this one dude. Just chill and stop farting against the wind its never gonna smell in the same place for too long man. chill out take a breather go play the game or some **** dude.
You really don't ahve alot to say when you remove all the 'chill out' and 'dude' comments from your posts. Compared to the scale of actual sales, the majority, and the total amount of votes, is actually very small - to the point of being insignificant.
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 12:37 am

2 of 3 people vote "Agree"

Crytek looking at this thread?
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 2:24 am

Whether they look at it or not, I highly doubt it'll happen.
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Lucie H
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 10:16 am

Make Air Stomp a regular move and replace the module position with a module that increases the damage dealt, splash damage radius, and decreases the recovery time of the Air Stomp. But I wouldn't be surprised if that was mentioned somewhere before in the twelve pages of this topic; if so, well, +1 to that guy.
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 1:17 pm

What is it with people suggesting damage increase?
The damage is already sufficient to kill on pretty much anything higher than a power jump. If you increased the damage any more, power jump +Airstomp would win pretty much all gunbattles.
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 8:51 am

Not from my experience. I once followed a Power Jump with an Air Stomp off a one-floor building only to be shot and killed by an enemy who was three feet away.
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Verity Hurding
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 2:41 am

That's an exception, not the rule. Air stomp is pretty buggy; but I've jumped off a shipping container at evac zone and successfully air stomped someone.
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Imy Davies
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 8:52 am

you see, if you open up your computer case, and grab some of those multi-colored strings, and just knd of jerk back and break them. You'll a kind of Jail-Break in a sense. You'll never ever see air-stomp on that computer again.
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Symone Velez
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 4:26 pm

Air stomp is pretty fun, if you think it's useless then don't use it. Holy **** people.
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 6:08 am

Air stomp is pretty fun, if you think it's useless then don't use it. Holy **** people.

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Max Van Morrison
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 5:02 pm

Air stomp is pretty fun, if you think it's useless then don't use it. Holy **** people.
It is fun AND mostly useless, that's why we want it as a natural ability, that way, everyone would be able to enjoy it without the sacrifice of a better perk.

I voted yes, it's a fantastic idea.
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 1:11 pm

Air stomp is pretty fun, if you think it's useless then don't use it. Holy **** people.
It is fun AND mostly useless, that's why we want it as a natural ability, that way, everyone would be able to enjoy it without the sacrifice of a better perk.

I voted yes, it's a fantastic idea.

No, everybody would be able to spam it, and the people who have put hours into levelling it would be completely **** over.
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RUby DIaz
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 4:59 pm

I think it should go like this - everyone can use it as a suit ability like sliding or melee. It should also remain as a perk for those who want to develop the skill but requires some buffing to make it worthwhile imo.

normal suit ability should remain as standard lvl1.

Perk lvl 1 should be standard + 15% x height damage.

Perk lvl2 should be standard + 30% x height damage & no damage from high falls.

Perk lvl3 should be standard + 60% x height damage & no damage from high falls & faster recovery from stance.

I would even say there should be a Nanosuit overcharge or health overcharge dependant upon fall distance for higher lvls - maybe lvl2 & def lvl3. It's pretty much a kamikaze tactic at the moment and often you'll get no kills. I'd like a greater chance of surviving it's use.
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Holli Dillon
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 9:09 am

If you often get no kills, you're not doing it right.
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 12:07 pm

I think it should go like this - everyone can use it as a suit ability like sliding or melee. It should also remain as a perk for those who want to develop the skill but requires some buffing to make it worthwhile imo.

normal suit ability should remain as standard lvl1.

Perk lvl 1 should be standard + 15% x height damage.

Perk lvl2 should be standard + 30% x height damage & no damage from high falls.

Perk lvl3 should be standard + 60% x height damage & no damage from high falls & faster recovery from stance.

I would even say there should be a Nanosuit overcharge or health overcharge dependant upon fall distance for higher lvls - maybe lvl2 & def lvl3. It's pretty much a kamikaze tactic at the moment and often you'll get no kills. I'd like a greater chance of surviving it's use.

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