Leave air stomp as it is; People didn't invest their time in it to have it changed. Especially considering it's not imbalanced as it is. The whole point is you get a kill option by foregoing some of the more consistently useful abilities. If you're not willing to do that, then it's hardly the problem of people who are.
No one said it's imbalanced, what we are saying is that it's impractical, imagine that you need this "Ninja" stealth module to stealth kill, that'll be awful. And yes, there are times (rare) that Air Stomp is really the most efficient course of action, but taking a whole perk slot for this situational perk is a no. Right now, AS is almost Crash Site exclusive, situational, and map dependent(height).
If it's available to everyone, we wouldn't have the need to choose this module every spawn to just use it on this one perfect AS moment, and the AS fans can still have their Air Stomp enhanced to play Mario with.
I don't get why you keep saying that people are gonna rage if we just transfer the points on Air Stomp into Air Stomp Enhance though, it'll be the same thing, just better. AND maxed if you already have AS maxed. Then we are all happy.
The Suit Friction suggestion needs a bit more work. May I advice a "Momentum Increase" in one of the Air Stomp Enhance levels?
The balancing point was more along the lines of it not being imbalanced, so it doesn't need to be rpovided to everyone..
It pretty much sounds like you want to use Air Stomp, but you don't want to make the sacrifice.. So don't use it! The whole point of putting it as a perk is so that you have to CHOOSE the benefit you get. If you're not willing to sacrifice energy transfer for it, then don't.
And Air stomp enhance? Really? It's an awful idea. Increasing the damage of Air Stomp would make no practical difference whatsoever, unless it got to the point where you could kill from a power jump, which is currently the only jump you can't get an airstomp kill from (this would not work).
As I have already said, the swimming/slide idea is also awful.