No, everybody would be able to spam it, and the people who have put hours into levelling it would be completely **** over.
given that for as long as i played this game (level 30 here), i have been killed only once with Air Stomp, it's fair to say it's useless.
Immense logical fallacy. By your logic, seeing as I've lived to 21 and have never been killed by a gun, they must be useless also. Or, as an in game example, I have never been killed in game by a JAW missile (level 34), but we all know they're not useless.
You have not been killed by airstomp because you have more than likely not played many people who use it, and amongst the ones that do, you have probably found few that use it effectively, or of the ones who use it effectively you may simply have been lucky not to be hit by it. There are too many variables for you to base such a conclusion on.
Lately, I've regularly been getting K/Ds of 2.5/3 and upwards, and all the time I've been successfully using air stomp. I have also, relative to your initial post, seen some people using the LTAG very effectively.
You should probably try not to discount skills that you do not possess.
agreed MMAMickey
I don't think it's a useless perk, but less usable by most (including my self ^^) players, so they wont put time and effort in it to increase its value.
I've seen some players using it as an "drop zone cleaner". Works perfect if ur good at it.
Atm Im trying to use it more often, to get it up to the next level.
90% I fail and sure... its kind of... WTF 50cm to the enemy and NO DAMAGE????
But if I get one killed with air stomp.... it feals great xD.
The game just gives you more options to succeed apart from just autofiring your automated machine gun.
If you don't wanna use these options or if your just to lazy to put some effort in it, so it'll be more effective... go on with your gun.

I love to stealth kill the enemy and now try to get some experience with air stomp. Even if my stats are going to hell ^^
Removing air stomp as a perk but make it a "normal" function, would make it kind of a lame. Like "oh my autofiring dind't work. Well... before I get killed I'll try air stomp!" -,-