i've tried to use air stomp a few times and realised its pretty impossible to use xD so i switched to armor enhance and i usualy just walk about with armor mode on so if someone does try to hit me with air stomp i just shoot them while they recovering =) i've been attacked by air stomp about 30 times and survived because i was in armor mode therefore proving the usefulness of it
also i dont even know why its an armor module all the other modules help your survivabilty air stomp more than offten ends up with you killed i dont know about making it into a main ability because i like it when people air stomp me it gives me a good laugh because its so usless =') i think i've an air stomp kill like 5 times i mean if people want to use a useless perk its their loss i say =)
anyone who doesnt like it just laugh about it eh? when they try and kill you then you can laugh about how uselss it is =) it is sweet if someone miraclessly gets a kill with it and i respect the person who can use it properly if it was a general thing i think people would use it a bit too often though
if I ever saw you I would climb higher and air stomp from there, a full power air stomp deal around 220 dmg according to some statistic, see you below me =) xD
yeah generaly when you would be climbing you would get killed and if generaly keep out of the way of tall objects and use proxy alarm so if you came near me i'd be able to react ;D