» Tue Feb 01, 2011 11:29 am
If you aren't stupid, shoot them before they hit the ground, time before they land is pretty long.
I've unlocked Airstomp III and have NEVER been shot out of the air so far; and have only done it a couple of times to others.
Either you're full of ****, or almost everyone in the game is stupid. But hey, whatever. If this **** actually happens I'd be happy to team stomp you on crash site.
It would be absolutely undefendable and is probably the reason it's NOT available to everyone.
Well, I have Air Stomp II, and many people have shot me from the air, as I have them too, which is pretty easy. And it isn't undefendable, if you power jump before someone lands with Air Stomp, you won't die.
Firstly, it IS possible to die despite powerjumping if the guy hits where you were standing, and secondly, if a team airstomps your crash site I doubt very much you could shoot or avoid up to 6 people.