» Tue Feb 01, 2011 2:02 am
"personal preference" - You're trolling, right? 99,9% of the people will take something different than air stomp, if they aren't "air stomp fanboys"...
So what if 99% of people pick something else? The fact you get to pick makes it personal preference. None of the perks are necessary to succeed, they're OPTIONAL benefits. Everyone has armour and cloak mode, if you could remove all of your perks for one game it would still be possible to compete with perk-users.
The thing about Air Stomp is that people that focus on it are usually in a game for the laughs. The real usefulness of it is around once a round?, on that one moment. It really doesn't have a place as a perk.
Instead of Air Stomping and declaring to the world that you are here, you could keep your relatively safe spot and shoot/nade. It's like stealth kill, you can shoot the guy instead of taking chances, your victim could've turned by an inch(so stealth kill turns into a pat) or you spend around 2 secs vulnerable watching this awesome kill animation. Both are classified as humiliation kills. Of course, except that one moment, when it's the most efficient course of action, doesn't happen often though.
So yes, totally agree on standardized Air Stomp and Air Stomp Enhance.