Petition: Remove air stomp as a perk

Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 8:44 am

Tbh simply reducing the levelling requirements would probably make Air stomp more popular. 50 kills to level it takes a LONG time; I can see why most people simply don't bother.. but then again, it suits me seeing as they won't be stomping on my head any time soon.
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Matt Bigelow
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 2:42 pm

Use Nano Recharge 2+ and then come back and say Air Stomp is as good as that is.
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Nikki Hype
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 2:18 am

Use Nano Recharge 2+ and then come back and say Air Stomp is as good as that is.
It's still a matter of personal preference. Stealth enhance 3 allows you to stay cloaked for ages, but many still use tracker and cloak tracker; which aren't conceptually as useful seeing as cloaked people aren't invisible anyway, and following footprints probably earns less kills than knowing maps and staying in stealth longer.
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Sarah Knight
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 2:13 am

Use Nano Recharge 2+ and then come back and say Air Stomp is as good as that is.
It's still a matter of personal preference. Stealth enhance 3 allows you to stay cloaked for ages, but many still use tracker and cloak tracker; which aren't conceptually as useful seeing as cloaked people aren't invisible anyway, and following footprints probably earns less kills than knowing maps and staying in stealth longer.

I havnt seen a single person using Tracker and ive probably seen 1 person using Cloak Tracker after a good 20+ hours into multiplayer. Almost everyone uses Cloak Enhance or Covert Ops with a rare few using Blind Spot.

But why are you talking about Stealth modules when this discussion is about Air Stomp and its usefulness? Red Herring fallacy fail. I mean yeah I get it, you have a raging erection for Air Stomp but its just simply not as beneficial to have as any of the other Armor modules except for perhaps Threat Tracer.
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Rob Davidson
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 3:32 am

Use Nano Recharge 2+ and then come back and say Air Stomp is as good as that is.
It's still a matter of personal preference. Stealth enhance 3 allows you to stay cloaked for ages, but many still use tracker and cloak tracker; which aren't conceptually as useful seeing as cloaked people aren't invisible anyway, and following footprints probably earns less kills than knowing maps and staying in stealth longer.

I havnt seen a single person using Tracker and ive probably seen 1 person using Cloak Tracker after a good 20+ hours into multiplayer. Almost everyone uses Cloak Enhance or Covert Ops with a rare few using Blind Spot.

But why are you talking about Stealth modules when this discussion is about Air Stomp and its usefulness? Red Herring fallacy fail. I mean yeah I get it, you have a raging erection for Air Stomp but its just simply not as beneficial to have as any of the other Armor modules except for perhaps Threat Tracer.
Actually no, not red herring: anolOGY.

I don't have an erection for air stomp, it only features in one of my custom classes, but commenting on its overall usefulness is impossible for you to do without commenting on it's overall usefulness to YOU.

Nano recharge, which you mentioned, isn't even that great. It recharges energy faster, but it's got nothing on energy transfer. The health regen thing isn't even an issue most of the time, just cloak and disappear or equip armour and you're usually fine.
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XPidgex Jefferson
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 3:40 am

It was a prime example of red herring to be honest. Maybe you should look it up and see how it applies to your post. Now you are discussing how Nano Recharge compares to Energy Transfer.

Stay on topic and discuss Air Stomp vs other Armor modules please.
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 8:18 am

It was a prime example of red herring to be honest. Maybe you should look it up and see how it applies to your post. Now you are discussing how Nano Recharge compares to Energy Transfer.

Stay on topic and discuss Air Stomp vs other Armor modules please.

I am aware of a red herring fallacy, but an anaolgy (which described a completely parallel situation) is not a red herring. An anology can be of any subject as long as the situation is relevant, which it was.

Also, I discussed the use of nano recharge because you presented it earlier in a quote I posted as an alternative to air stomp.

The use of air stomp is clear, and it is completely down to personal preference, as with all of the modules. There are no modules which, when levelled, put you at a serious disadvantage compared to everyone else; so long as they fit your playstyle. This is a point I have already made.
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Jessica Lloyd
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 2:52 pm

"personal preference" - You're trolling, right? 99,9% of the people will take something different than air stomp, if they aren't "air stomp fanboys"...
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Dona BlackHeart
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 12:25 pm

Should definitely be available as standard.
Its a great ability, but hard to justify picking it over other perks.
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Damien Mulvenna
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 3:01 pm

"personal preference" - You're trolling, right? 99,9% of the people will take something different than air stomp, if they aren't "air stomp fanboys"...

So what if 99% of people pick something else? The fact you get to pick makes it personal preference. None of the perks are necessary to succeed, they're OPTIONAL benefits. Everyone has armour and cloak mode, if you could remove all of your perks for one game it would still be possible to compete with perk-users.
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 11:43 am

"personal preference" - You're trolling, right? 99,9% of the people will take something different than air stomp, if they aren't "air stomp fanboys"...

So what if 99% of people pick something else? The fact you get to pick makes it personal preference. None of the perks are necessary to succeed, they're OPTIONAL benefits. Everyone has armour and cloak mode, if you could remove all of your perks for one game it would still be possible to compete with perk-users.

You see, no need for an airstomp perk ;)
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josie treuberg
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 4:35 pm

I agree, air stomp should be a standard ability, just like sliding.
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Reven Lord
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 2:02 am

"personal preference" - You're trolling, right? 99,9% of the people will take something different than air stomp, if they aren't "air stomp fanboys"...

So what if 99% of people pick something else? The fact you get to pick makes it personal preference. None of the perks are necessary to succeed, they're OPTIONAL benefits. Everyone has armour and cloak mode, if you could remove all of your perks for one game it would still be possible to compete with perk-users.

The thing about Air Stomp is that people that focus on it are usually in a game for the laughs. The real usefulness of it is around once a round?, on that one moment. It really doesn't have a place as a perk.

Instead of Air Stomping and declaring to the world that you are here, you could keep your relatively safe spot and shoot/nade. It's like stealth kill, you can shoot the guy instead of taking chances, your victim could've turned by an inch(so stealth kill turns into a pat) or you spend around 2 secs vulnerable watching this awesome kill animation. Both are classified as humiliation kills. Of course, except that one moment, when it's the most efficient course of action, doesn't happen often though.

So yes, totally agree on standardized Air Stomp and Air Stomp Enhance.
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 3:26 pm

"personal preference" - You're trolling, right? 99,9% of the people will take something different than air stomp, if they aren't "air stomp fanboys"...

So what if 99% of people pick something else? The fact you get to pick makes it personal preference. None of the perks are necessary to succeed, they're OPTIONAL benefits. Everyone has armour and cloak mode, if you could remove all of your perks for one game it would still be possible to compete with perk-users.

You see, no need for an airstomp perk ;)

Under that logic there is no need for any perk.
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alicia hillier
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 12:31 pm

The thing about Air Stomp is that people that focus on it are usually in a game for the laughs. The real usefulness of it is around once a round?, on that one moment. It really doesn't have a place as a perk.

RLY?! It's actually SOMETIMES useful?! I'm surprised. For me it never happen to die in MP from Air Stomp, and while trying to use it myself - I never could kill anyone either.

Something needs to be done with it, cause right now taking a chocolate is a better perk than Air Stomp.
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 7:22 am

agreed, but Id rather it not be ''crouch'' to activate it...

why not, you want to crouch in the air or what? :P

You would be surprised how many people duck while jumping out of pure habit from pretty much any VALVE game.

anyways I agree that duck works just fine for the airstomp BUT a dedicated button would not hurt anyone but still help some people. I also still think there should be dedicated buttons for switching to primary or secondary weapon.
finished yet

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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 5:42 am

The thing about Air Stomp is that people that focus on it are usually in a game for the laughs. The real usefulness of it is around once a round?, on that one moment. It really doesn't have a place as a perk.

RLY?! It's actually SOMETIMES useful?! I'm surprised. For me it never happen to die in MP from Air Stomp, and while trying to use it myself - I never could kill anyone either.

Something needs to be done with it, cause right now taking a chocolate is a better perk than Air Stomp.

You're doing it wrong!! The thing YOU need to do is to stomp someone WHILE taking a chocolate. I swear man the feeling is intense!
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cosmo valerga
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 4:54 am

Guys, stop saying you ant kill with AS, its a velocity attack, the higher you re, the more damage, (max of 270,min of 40) a powerjump WILL NOT get you enough for it to be fatal, that said, i love stayign on skyline(at the top and pwning the snipers,with airstomp as the camp. i once had a double kill with it. but i only use it for my assault class, my enforcer and patrol classes have a usefulle perk instead, But assault has a humiliting one.
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Connie Thomas
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 10:43 am

I agree, air stomp should be generally available.
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Sherry Speakman
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 3:53 am

Yeah I the more I think about it air stomp needs to be move like slide. Not a module. The module should be replaced with Campain module called air friction. That seem like a totally useful module if done right.
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Alexis Acevedo
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 6:46 am

Guys, stop saying you ant kill with AS, its a velocity attack, the higher you re, the more damage, (max of 270,min of 40) a powerjump WILL NOT get you enough for it to be fatal, that said, i love stayign on skyline(at the top and pwning the snipers,with airstomp as the camp. i once had a double kill with it. but i only use it for my assault class, my enforcer and patrol classes have a usefulle perk instead, But assault has a humiliting one.

Highlighted keywords for you.

Oh yes, the height argument. So now not only is Air Stomp extremely situational and is also map dependent. This thing really doesn't belong under any suit module.
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Chris Cross Cabaret Man
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 4:47 pm

air friction would be a pretty useless perk, it's basically just Air stomp II
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El Khatiri
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 6:19 am

It could be really good though. I mean the perk could allow you to have on the ground movement in the air. On top of extending the range of your jump. You can have better aiming while in a jump or falling. Really it would give you help 24/7 unlike what we have now.
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u gone see
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 6:07 am

It could be really good though. I mean the perk could allow you to have on the ground movement in the air. On top of extending the range of your jump. You can have better aiming while in a jump or falling. Really it would give you help 24/7 unlike what we have now.

for lvl 1 perk, why not?
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 5:14 am

Actually other perks helps you to kill. This one too, if you find the correct place to impact.
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