I am an avid stomp user or at least I try to be. I have to disagree with those individuals who say that it doesn't help you get kills it actually kills. I have a total of 29 stomp kills. Anybody who can try to compare energy transfer to air stomp and how they are both equally useful clearly do not use air stomp much. An ability like energy transfer is useful every life all the time no matter the map. Go ahead I dare you to say air stomp is just as useful. The only reason I use it is because it's cool.
I manage a healthy 2.3 kdr while trying to stomp my way through 75% of my matches where out of that 75% 95% of the time I dont even get 1 stomp kill. I can guarantee that If I switched to something actually useful I could get my ratio up even more. And of course there will always be those who say "your not doing it right, you need to have altitude blah blah" yeah I know exactly how it works the problem is it doesn't always work.
The main problem I see is that air stomp is EXTREMELY situational while just about all other modules are not. Not only that but suppose you got the height advantage over somebody who's standing there, I could try to stomp him, risk missing and getting shot while the animation is finishing up OR I could just shoot him and be done with it.
Another problem is the height required to kill. You either have to lead your jump and hope the "victim" doesnt turn around, stop, or run in another direction. The other option is well your opponent is just standing there which for the most part never happens. Depending on how high you are well all he has to do is walk a few steps and you miss because it still takes the user a second or two or three to hit the ground where you promptly get shot. For those who disagree with me, challenge yourself to use the stomp I can guarantee 80-90% of your matches you won't even get a kill with it.
I don't necessarily think it should be given to everybody but have the upgrades power it up so to speak. Maybe more damage from less height and a wider radius for the last upgrade because as of now most people who use air stomp do it because its cool (me) or as a humiliation kill. Nobody in their right mind uses it because "liek omgz i git lotza killz wif it."