- Perks are supposed to support the player but now you can kill someone with a perk and that's absolutely not the way a perk should work. And airstomp is the only perk which gives you the ability to kill someone.
Please sign in this thread if you want that everyone is able to use the air stomp
I'll update with some good quotes
I agree. After all, they changed Slide from a perk into an ability everyone has simply because it was outclassed by all the other perks in its class, so next to nobody used it. I think Air Stomp has fallen to the same fate. Why use that when I can get something like Nano-Recharge (which is godly after the first level up, suit energy regenerates twice as fast) which will not only be more useful more often, but also increases my survivability rather than giving me a way to pull off what is essentially a humiliation kill.
Let's be honest, the only time Air Stomp is worth its module slot is when you get a multikill with it, and how often does THAT happen. Also, the risk vs reward is totally skewed. I COULD go for the Air Stomp from my elevated position to kill some unsuspecting dude, making it an all or nothing moment as if I miss I will be locked in a recovery animation that will certainly spell my doom. OR I could just shoot him, keep my elevated position and take no risk, also saving the module slot for something more useful.
I do like Hedgehog8's idea of Air Stomp Enhance though. If Air Stomp were to become a standard move, enhance could be something like you gain velocity twice as fast, or you get the ability to move while falling to angle yourself. Either way, as it is, Air Stomp is a "for fun" perk and isn't really something I'd take into a serious battle.
Here is my Counter Proposal
Suit Friction
Rank l - Improved jump duration,control and you can press jump to slow down your fall(think no fall damage).
Rank ll - Improved slide duration and swim speed.
Rank lll - Faster Air stomp Recovery.