» Fri May 27, 2011 12:38 am
I don't see why pets SHOULD be added to the game when there is so many other things that would contribute far more to the Elder Scrolls experience than some stupid animal of whatever sort.
The Elder Scrolls isn't about simulation or even downright realism. Something like pets is best left to mods, otherwise it'll just be fan-service. TES is more about a richly detailed world and how the character interacts with or affects that world, and how that character defines his or herself in it through the events of the game. Morrowind was just as much about the province as it was about the Nerevarine, but in regards to the Nerevarine, it's not about what pets they had or who they dated or who they were friends with. That's not the kind of roleplaying the Elder Scrolls brings to us. The focus on the Nerevarine was primarily in the definition of their role in Morrowind in relation to the events that unfolded (be it in the main quest or Great House quests, Morag Tong, whatever) and the province itself, and the roleplaying was brought out in how you defined that role. What skills did you use and develop to accomplish your goals? What choices did you make? What factions and people did you or didn't you align or associate yourself with?
Something like pets adds nothing to this model. They are simply not within the focus of the Elder Scrolls. It's not that kind of open-world game. In fact, I may even go so far as to suggest that Elder Scrolls games have more focus on the world your character is in rather than the character itself.
If the Elder Scrolls as a series is to improve, then the focus needs to remain where it is, and it needs to be improved upon within that focus. Otherwise, when that focus is lost, it'll just turn into another game that doesn't know what it wants to be. It'll too quickly become quantity over quality. When you start adding things like pets, dating, and all that stuff, then it becomes more for the sake of adding them and the series starts to fail to achieve the experience it originally aimed for.
Just my two cents. Apologies for any redundancy or lack of clarity.