Title says it all, in the skyrim - misc bsa file under scripts, which .pex file would have the scripts that cover blocking and bashing?
Title says it all, in the skyrim - misc bsa file under scripts, which .pex file would have the scripts that cover blocking and bashing?
I'm pretty sure all that kind of stuff is hard coded into the game. You can try to modify blocking and bashing through game settings and perks though.
Where I can find it's scripting though??? All I want to know is HOW does it work? I am very desperate in finding this out.
Truly? Are you sure there is no way to at the very least look at it's scripting? Isn't it coded in Papyrus?
A lot of the game isn't coded in papyrus (I think it's C++?). You'd have to dig down much further than pex files to find all that stuff. Papyrus isn't used for core gameplay elements.
Ah, no wonder why certain things seem to work better... Hm, well I'm not even going to attempt decompiling .dll files(if it's even possible), I'll just ask another question, am I able to write skse plugins in c++ similar to scriptdragon?