My character is up to about Level 40, and I've played about five days time on this one character. Sanctuary is my main base, though I have half dozen or more other ones too. I'm about 5 episodes into MQ, Minutemen, and BoS, but all of that is pretty much irrelevant to my issue, other than to just describe the overall circumstances.
There is one distress beacon I can recall finding, the one from the BoS Knight who was part of the "Lost Patrol." I dutifully picked it up and took it back to my base.
My habit with junk is to separate stuff I will sell or keep (cigarette packs and cartons, prewar money, skulls) and to stand in a well-lit area with good ground (meaning no grass and as smooth as possible and WITHOUT workshop placed flooring!) and drop all the junk in a ring and scrap it. This of course insures that, stuff I wouldn't want scrapped is less likely to get scrapped, and it also has the benefit of allowing pretty much unlimited settlement.
The housing foundations from the old homes in Sanctuary are ideal, or at least as close to ideal as I've found, for "scrapping spots."
I've scrapped pretty much everything that was in Sanctuary at game start, including the house immediately to the northeast of the house with the workshop bench and power armor bench. The wall for the community runs right along the northeastern edge of that houses foundation, the generators sit on the edge closest to the "workshop house" and the farm is on the south and west edge of this foundation. I've put one piece of roof, and wired a light so the area is well lit.
At some point many levels ago, I noticed there is a "distress signal" emanating from somewhere in Sanctuary, and I recently spent some time (including going into ~ TCL "Collision off" mode) to try to pinpoint the source of this distress signal. It is emanating from a spot a couple feet off the ground and just southwest of the center of that "scrapping foundation." Standing on the ground the best proximity value I can get is about 98.7% but with TCL off, I can "walk" up into the air a bit and get it to 99.9%.
There is absolutely nothing there as far as I can tell. The two generators are nearby and a wire draqes across that spot to the power conduit on the piece of roof from which I hung a light bulb, but other than that, the spot has nothing in it that is visible either with collision on or off.
I am guessing that what has happened here is this: I brought back that distress beacon and dropped it in a flurry of dropping junk. It appears that, sometimes when you drop a LOT of items in one go (without closing inventory and letting one or two revolutions of stuff drop) stuff will clip into other stuff. For example, I've seen alarm clocks and buckets engaged in a frenzied dervish dance after dropping a whole inventory full of junk in one go and it seems to take them awhile to 'settle' down and break apart to stop their fighting. I've also seen typewriters fail to drop to the ground and instead hang in mid air.
So I'd guess that something like this has happened with the distress beacon which I brought back and scrapped, and now the game thinks there is a distress beacon sitting there floating in mid air, even though I scrapped it.
Thoughts? Possible solutions?
Not that it is a big deal, but if I could make it stop beeping that would be nice.